
Sir Bryan Brulotte: Harper’s Aspiring Illuminati PM

Bryan Brulotte has announced he is intending to run for the Conservative Party of Canada leadership, he is just waiting for the party to lay out the rules for the contest, but he insists he is ready to run after talking to party members across the country. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-brulotte-1.5397367


Well, Brulotte may be the worst suggestion yet. His work record will tie the Privy Council, Liberals and Conservatives. He worked for the Governor General of Canada 1990-92 (Mulroney Era) who was at the time Ray (Ramon John) Hnatyshyn, a Ukranian Canadian Lawyer (Austro-Hungarian). Hnatyshyn was appointed Queens Council and Minister of the Crown 1974-1988. As GGC Hnatyshyn worked for both the Mulroney and Chretien governments, his father was an MP https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Hnatyshyn https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hnatyshyn. Ray Hnatyshyn is related to Sidney Chernenkoff of the USAID. (Hnatyshyn is more than likely tied to Soros? Austro-Hungarian? Libertarian? USAID equivalent of CIDA in Canada. Does Brulotte have ties to Soros?) https://adst.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Chernenkoff-Sidney.pdf The ending of this dossier will tell all!!!!

  • BMB Management Consulting works in the area of International Development and is directly aligned with CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency; Pierre Trudeau’s crisis/war machine) the United Nations (UN Development program, UN Environment Program and UNHCR refugee Program) and IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development https://web.archive.org/web/20020806063934/http://www.bmb.ca/international.html
  • This is the SAME location (SAME time period too 2002-2005) where Beverley Suderman wrote a learning manual funded by HRDC (Human Resources Development Canada) for the National Learning Initiative geared towards providing the voluntary sector with a learning framework for cooperative and social activism (this is your SOCIAL ECONOMY AGAIN) The Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI) was an undertaking between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector (NGO, activists groups, charities, Foundations etc.) to enhance their relationship and strengthen the sector’s capacity. http://www.vsi-isbc.org/eng/Index.cfm (THIS IS YOUR SOCIAL ECONOMY AGAIN and Brulotte is the long arm of the hybrid universe linking the Voluntary sector to the government) This is her report written in 2003 at the SAME address as BMB Consulting Services Inc. The full report (PDF) can be downloaded at the website link provided below:

  • BMB operates in the area of logistics and supply chain management and transportation for the public and private sector and has partnerships with the Canadian Forces and Department of Defense and Aerospace Industry; it is involved in transportation network optimization from resources procurement and production to consumers (involved in ALL aspects of production and manufacturing) and also provides human resources transition planning (labour force) https://web.archive.org/web/20020816080654/http://www.bmb.ca/logistics.html
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olumuyiwa_Benard_Aliu https://news.un.org/en/story/2018/12/1027961
  • Here is Brulottes REAL story of MaxSys Inc. It was always a side arm of the larger BMB Consulting where he is director https://telfer.uottawa.ca/en/emba/alumni/alumni-in-focus. The question we have is; Why hide the fact that MaxSys is a subsidiary of BMB Consulting? Why present yourself as the mastermind behind MaxSys when in fact it is a subsidiary of BMB? And who exactly OWNS BMB?


2. Energy Management Services: BMB offers energy management services in-line with the UNs Sustainable Development initiatives. https://web.archive.org/web/20040720133448/http://www.bmb.ca/EMS%20overview.pdf

3. These are BMBs Partners (Parent company to MaxSys): Plumtree, Telelogic, Balanced Scorecard Collaborative. https://web.archive.org/web/20040803044953/http://www.bmb.ca/epartners.html

  1. Plumtree was founded in 1996 by Oracle and Infomix and was funded by Sequoia Capital out of California. BEA bought Plumtree in 2005. In 2008 Oracle bought BEA (Plumtree) Oracle is owned by Larry Ellison, Vanguard Group (Rothschild), Capital Group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plumtree_Software https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Corporation

2. Telelogic founded in 1983 out of Sweden and acquired by IBM in 2008. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telelogic

3. Balanced Scorecard Collaborative (BSCol), the education and research arm of Palladium Group, is dedicated to helping clients make strategy execution a core competency to achieve and sustain performance results over time. Palladium International was the fourth-largest private sector partner for the UK Government’s  Department for International Development (DFID is UKs version of CIDA).[During 2011, Palladium International members Futures Group and Carana were USAID’s fourteenth and sixteenth largest private sector partners, respectively.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palladium_International

BMB Consulting Services established in 1997 and John Harrison is the listed director https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/2981165 These are all the BMB Consulting Services Inc. companies and their subsidiaries; BMB Data, BMB Fuel (GE Aviation (General Electric) bought BMB Fuel at the same time that Harper was passing regulation for the renewable fuels program requiring renewable fuels in aviation https://www.geaviation.com/press-release/services/ge-completes-acquisition-bmb-fuel https://www.topcropmanager.com/harper-announces-renewable-fuel-regulations-20322/


This is BMB Client list: quite extensive includes the World Bank, the UN, http://www.bmb.ca/clientlist.html government offices: Citizens and Immigration, Stats Canada, Revenue Canada,Dept of National Defense, CRTC, Elections Canada, Environment Canada, HRSDC, CSIS, Health Canada, Privy Council, etc.

“Historical records do show that a few Illuminati were members of The Order of Saint Joachim, as the Illuminati did initially attract many prominent German individuals. These people were both free-thinking Catholics as well as German Protestant nobles at continual odds with the expansionist political ambitions of the Catholic powers in Bavaria and the Austrian Empire.

A member of the Illuminati who was also a founding member of The Order of Saint Joachim was Leopold Reichsgraf von Kollowrat-Krakowsky (1727-1809). https://www.stjoachimorder.org/enlighten.htm

“This charitable foundation had as its purpose through its Commanderies easing the burden on its less fortunate members in their old age, and providing the means for its more well off members to continue to prosper.” https://web.archive.org/web/20060914200659/http://www.stjoachimorder.org/mission.htm

Bryan Brulotte is also on the board of directors for the Canadian Club of Ottawa https://canadianclubottawa.ca/blogs/news/board-of-directors-for-2018-2019 . Geoff Turner is the Executive Manager there and represents “Impact Public Affairs” a lobby group run by Huw Williams who https://www.impactcanada.com/team who was aide to the deputy PM when Brian Mulroney was in power and worked with the Privy Council Office. https://www.acec.ca/events_awards/ntl_conf/speakers.html https://lobbycanada.gc.ca/app/secure/ocl/lrs/do/poh?cid=362534 Brulotte was working with the GGC Ray Hnatyshyn at the time and would be in the same circle as Brian Mulroney and Huw Williams. In 1992, at the age of 28, he became the Deputy Chief to the Federal Minister for the Conservative Party and the PM at the time was Brian Mulroney. https://telfer.uottawa.ca/en/emba/alumni/alumni-in-focus

Brulotte financed his payroll using the Business Development Bank of Canada https://www.canadianbusiness.com/small-business/financing-solutions-crossing-the-cash-chasm-2/ This is subordinated debt from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC). (It’s “subordinated” debt because, in the event of default, the BDC will rank behind the borrower’s bank and any other secured lenders.) 

MaxSys Inc. Joined CATAAlliance in 2014. https://cata.ca/Media_and_Events/Press_Releases/cata_pr09111401.html The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATAAlliance), Canada’s One Voice for Innovation Advocacy Group, crowdsources ideas and guidance from thousands of opt in members in moderated social networks in Canada and key global markets. Supported by evidence-based research, CATAAlliance then mobilizes the community behind public policy recommendations designed to boost Canada’s innovation and competitiveness success. https://cata.ca/about_cata/

Brulotte also runs a numbered company 4000863 Canada Inc https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/4000862 https://www.manta.com/ic/mt6kgqw/ca/4000862-canada-incorporated which is a Daycare company located in Quebec called Bamel V Daycare. https://garderiesbiamel.com/

These are all the companies with Bryan Brulotte as registered director: https://opencorporates.com/officers?q=bryan+brulotte&utf8=%E2%9C%93

This is Spirit Personnel Inc. https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/3852946 a numbered company 3852946 Canada Inc. which is also MaxSys Aboriginal Services (part of BMB/MaxSys) and also goes by the name of Spirit Staff and Consulting Inc. (So many names for the SAME company that is incorporated as Spirit Personnel Inc?)

The company prides itself in being 100% indigenous-woman owned? Which is unusual since it is a subsidiary of MaxSys, which is a subsidiary of BMB? Further research showed that the president and owner is Janice Larocque? And she also lists herself as president and owner of Spirit Staffing and Consulting Inc.? Larocque is also states that she is president and owner of Fast Labour Services Inc.? All these companies receive national funding grants for placements and training of indigenous people. How is the ownership structure arranged? And how doe BMB, the corporate parent company fit into this? https://www.linkedin.com/in/janice-larocque-5b3b7527/?originalSubdomain=ca

The question here really is: Who is BMB Consulting Services Inc? Domain registration for MaxSys shows Bryan Brulotte as the domain administrator but the admin address is listed to BMB MaxSys Inc. located at 142 Guigues St in Ottawa. https://maxsys.ca.cutestat.com/ . Corporation data shows CANINT Consulting Services registered at this address with James Molnar listed as director. https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/3453235 James Molnar is also partner at BMB Consulting (figure above) so these companies are directly related.

In 1998 the president of CANINT (Arthur Campeau) presented to the “State of the World Forum” in the area of “Sustainable Development” and a clossed session that organized the UNs SDG was developed. http://worldforum98.percepticon.com/schedule/roundtable_friday.html

The State of the World Forum is a global network of leaders from business, government, and civil society who come together for both discussion and action. Participants have included founder Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, former President George Bush, Former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, World Wildlife Fund Chairman and former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers, and George Soros. https://web.archive.org/web/20000621140005/http://www.worldforum.org/

“Former Soviet Communist Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of the State of the World Forum six years ago, used a $5,000 per person gathering of the world’s political and business elite to plea for the United Nations to adopt a Soviet-style “central authority” to manage the world’s business and environmental concerns… calling for a stronger UN with tax-gathering capabilities and an international police force to act as a global cop, the Soviet leader… complained that “globalization” has only benefited rich nations at the expense of the poor… he said, the United Nations must establish a Soviet-like authority that would direct international economics and the environment.

Gorbachev’s well-received speech represents the coming of age for the United Nations, and a culmination of the Soviet Union’s patient efforts over the past 65 years, ever since Stalin proposed a three-stage process for achieving world government at the 1936 Comintern meeting in Moscow:

[A] socialize the world’s governments;
[B] bring about regional unions of various groupings of these socialized nations; and
[C] amalgamate these regional groupings, (such as the European Union) into a final worldwide union of socialist states.

Gorbachev’s call for a “central authority” was seconded by multi, multibillionaire financier George Soros, who made his fortune as a currency speculator.” http://www.mgr.org/sect17a.html

This is Arthur Campeau representing CANINT Consulting at the State of the World Forum in 1998. http://worldforum98.percepticon.com/schedule/roundtable_friday.html

Arthur Campeau was a professor at Mc Gill University, was a participant and organizer within the “State of the World Forum”, organized the “World Summit on Sustainable Development” and had a close and personal relationship with Brian Mulroney. In fact, he was referred to as “Mulroney’s Sherpa.” AND HAS TIES BRYAN BRULOTTE’s company… BMB MaxSys Consulting. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14888386.2001.9712672?journalCode=tbid20

But the real unanswered question here is: Who is BMB Consulting? Corporate Date reveals that there are 45 active BMB Consulting Companies in the world and if their goal is to bring about a New World Order they are definitely situated in strategic locations: Canada, USA, France, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus etc. https://opencorporates.com/companies?commit=Go&inactive=false&jurisdiction_code=&order=&page=2&q=bmb+consulting&utf8=%E2%9C%93 If they operate along a similar protocol as BMB Consulting Services then they are aligned with the government, military, the private sector, NGOs, and lobby groups and are well positioned to bring about a New World Order. And Sir Bryan Brulotte, nominated by Stephen Harper is now Canada’s Aspiring Illuminati Prime Minister!

UPDATE: Here at CIN we believe that BMB Consulting is the secretive “Brunei Merchant Bank” Group a Royal Family investment company also know as BMB Advisors or Sceptor Partners.https://www.reddit.com/r/Brunei/comments/bbmgiy/does_anyone_have_info_on_the_secretive_brunei/ Most of the founding stakeholders are in the Middle East and Asia and their headquarters is in Brunei. With Asian roots they invest according to Sharia principles. Their focus is on investment in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).https://imgur.com/WmCwWr0 It is said to be the most elite investment club in the Muslim world. https://imgur.com/KXjP6lq It is registered as BMB Capital Management and BMB Capital LLP in the Caymen Islands.Mirzan Mahathir, the eldest son of the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, supervises BMB Islamic and is the president of the division. He was one of the first people to join the group. https://imgur.com/a1oyz5C Stephen Harper’s choice for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada and potential the country itself is Sharia-compliant! Let that sink in!

Image result for "stephen Harper" "aga khan"

2 thoughts on “Sir Bryan Brulotte: Harper’s Aspiring Illuminati PM

  1. Great article! Politicians are steeped in piss and marinated in shit and I have zero respect for any of these slippery devils on the take … whatever their story is.. they were all spawn shat onto the rest of us and I hope all their shitty bank accounts keep them warm at night as they count the days until they’re back in their rightful spot in the bowels of Hell.

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