
BingAI, Bacteriorhodopsin, April 8 Solar Eclipse & Graphene Zombie Apocalypse

This segment is from the “Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines”, aka the “Rise of the Graphene Zombies” about the Bacteriorhodopsin Operating System which electrically excites the “GQD Particle” that is used to transform humans into Biological Computers or Androids capable of remotely processing at exponentially higher speeds than that of modern computers.

Here at CIN we learn so much from our readers, especially those from the NWO elite who hunt us down, try to distort the truth, or as in this case… EXPAND ON IT! Today we were told to “Connect the Dots” on the upcoming April 8 Solar Eclipse, and so we did!

“That said, n done, we can move on to examining the background to F Hong and your man Conrad. So much had to happen – and WAS happening – in the period 1970-1990 for them and Vitaliano to get to where they went, yet has remained totally under the radar. To put it concisely – a parallel track to your ‘computational’ gangs work had to be opened up – the field of Neuroconsciousness.” 1

An extremely interesting and key player in the “Transhumanist Quantum Agenda”, Dr. E. ROY JOHN and deserves attention as a prelude to where we can take this next. 2

Indeed, we can even link it up with your interest in the coming APRIL 8 event, for ‘added bonus points’ in this game of “Connect the Dots!”

So who is Dr. E. Roy John? And why was it vital we knew his contributions to the NWOs plan of total global enslavement? The link our new Fren gave us was deleted but we found the original link on Wayback. 3  Any extra bonus points for that?

Dr. Roy John was a pioneer on the workings of the human brain. He is credited with inventing the field of Neurometrics, which analyzes abnormal brain function by measuring the brain’s electrical activity. Dr. John was also fascinated by the nature of Consciousness and was among the first to postulate that memory is distributed throughout the brain, rather than encoded in specific groups of neurons. His 1967 textbook, “Mechanisms of Memory” , remains a classic in its field. Dr. John’s interest in EEG brain research coincided with the development of computers, which allowed EEG data to be systematically analyzed for the first time. 4

As computers became more powerful and their database of QEEG readings accumulated, Dr. John and his colleagues developed algorithms that let them quantitatively identify a wide range of mental abnormalities, from depression, dementia, and schizophrenia to traumatic brain injury and alcoholism. 5

He also worked actively to translate these discoveries into clinical treatments for neurocognitive and psychiatric disorders. One such treatment is a “Neurofeedback mechanism” which has been used in the USA since 1970 to treat psychiatric diseases based on the principle of reorganizing “Brain Waves” by changing them:

“As in many areas of medicine, the word in psychiatry is about to pass into the hands of technology. Thanks to the ‘neurofeedback’ method, which reorganizes the brain waves that work negatively, most psychiatric diseases can be treated without medication. In January 2005, the leading scientific journal in the United States, where it has been widely used since the 1970s, announced the method to the public as “one of the main diagnostic and therapeutic elements that can be applied in every clinic.” The most important share in the development and dissemination of neurofeedback therapy, which has also been effective in the treatment of ‘autism’ in recent years, belongs to the American scientist Prof. Dr. E. Roy John, who created a ‘data bank’ on brain waves.

“When was it realized that brain waves could be used in the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders?

“It goes back to the 1960s. Cats were able to alter their own brain waves in exchange for a reward. A medical student in the United States, together with a professor, projected his own brain wave onto a computer using a two-channel EEG device. This was the alpha wave. When the eyes were closed and good things were imagined, the alpha wave was increasing. They recorded this increase. When it increased, the brain was given a musical tone as a reward. The person’s own electric current is monitored in the brain. With the reward, the area of the brain where the electrode is placed is conditioned. With the rise of the alpha wave, attention and concentration increase. You are more relaxed, stress is reduced. However, this can be achieved by applying it to certain areas of the brain. When you increase it in some areas, the opposite effect may occur. If you increase the area related to depression, you can increase depression.” 

Some patients described this technique as the CIA’s MK-ULTRA experiments on “mind control”:

“On the torture experiments of the Victorian police, let the truth come out. He uses psychiatry in Melbourne to prevent, sanity??? The system uses hypnosis on me and infects me with bio-weapons such as mold and gives me transdermal treatments. He gives drugs with psychosis and causes drugs to be tested and discredited.” 7

“Melbourne’s mental health system implanted me with neuroweapons to torture me electronically and gave the controls to my mother and brother, who ran a Pavlovian gang-stalking program on me for years torturing,* me repetitively with the stalking like I’m pavlov’s dog mkultra” 8

Dr Roy John also worked machining plutonium for a program which was later revealed to have been part of the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos. He gained a degree in Physics and a Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Chicago. After working in brain research at the University of California at Los Angeles, he established the Center for Brain Research at the University of Rochester. In 1963, he moved to New York City, directing the Brain Research Laboratory at Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital. During this period he began a series of visits to Cuba, where he is regarded as the “Grandfather of Cuban Neuroscience.”

Files obtained through the Freedom of Information Act gave credence to charges that he had been blacklisted from a range of professional activities and grants due to his left-of-center views. 9 Dr. John was eventually blacklisted in Cuba?

This article contains a photograph of Dr. Roy John with Fidel Castro. Roy was an active leader in communist organizations and kept a poster of Lenin on the wall of his lab proudly answering; “YES”, when visitors asked; “Does that mean you’re a communist?” 10

Speaking about these medical devices with the New York Times in 1985 Dr. Roy John had this to say:

”The devices have enormous potential for good, and a substantial potential for harm,” says Dr. E. Roy John, director of the Brain Research Laboratories at the New York University Medical Center. ”We should begin to decide how, exactly, we are prepared to use them.” 11

Are they doing this to our brain? Well the technology used in developing the “Molecular Electronic Device” growing inside you that we described in detail in previous papers seems to indicate that. 12 13 14

The “operating system” consists of the purple pigment from Bacteriorhodopsin which is programmable and can hold more memory than a typical computer. Dr. Michael Conrad describes this operating system extensively in this article. 15

Bacteriorhodopsin works by picking up incoming light signals then directing those signals to the brain where it then triggers different neurons to fire. By varying light signals they can then direct certain areas of the brain to function. This was why the Obama’s “Brain Initiative” was integral to the development of this Bioweapon; they had to map the brain to determine what neurons did what and what frequencies were required to achieve the desired result. This was the first step to mind control and the global enslavement of mankind!

We expanded in this Bacteriorhodopsin and wanted to find out how the pigment would function during the April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse. 16  This confirmed our worst suspicions that the pigment which acted as a “switch” could turn processes either on or off. Furthermore the pigment was affected by both near UV light and magnetic fields from the solar eclipse itself!

We asked BingAI for a hypothetical scenario on the impact on humans transfected with Bacteriorhodopsin (controlled remotely) during a solar eclipse and this is what we got. The brain would be taken over, there would be no “Free Will” and a “Zombie Apocalypse” would ensue:

We asked BingAI 10 hypothetical questions based on the impact on humans transfected with Bacteriorhodopsin (controlled remotely) during a solar eclipse and this is what we got. The brain would be taken over, there would be no “Free Will” and a “Zombie Apocalypse” would ensue:

  1. CIN:  “What is the relationship between Bacteriorhodopsin and the April 8 Solar Eclipse?”

BingAI:  During a solar eclipse, the behavior of bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump found in certain microorganisms, can be influenced. Let’s delve into the details:

  1. Absorption Wavelength Shift:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin alters its absorption wavelengths during its photocycle (the process it undergoes when exposed to light).
  • The absorption wavelengths shift in the range of 410–617 nm.
  • This shift is due to several factors related to the protein environment and the retinal Schiff base (the light-absorbing part of bacteriorhodopsin).
  • The main factors contributing to the absorption wavelength shift include:

 2. Solar Eclipse Influence:

In summary, bacteriorhodopsin responds to changes in light conditions, including those during a solar eclipse. Its absorption properties shift due to intricate molecular interactions, making it a fascinating subject for study in both biological and optical contexts.

2. CIN:  “What is Bacteriorhodopsin’s behaviour in Magnetic Fields?”

BingAI:  Bacteriorhodopsin, a fascinating light-driven protein found in certain microorganisms, exhibits intriguing behavior when subjected to magnetic fields. Let’s explore the effects:

  1. Spin-Dependent Electron Transmission:

   2. Antisymmetric Magnetoresistance Response:

  3. Diamagnetic Susceptibility:

In summary, magnetic fields can significantly impact the behavior of bacteriorhodopsin, influencing its electron transmission, spin polarization, and overall conduction properties. This interplay between light and magnetism adds to the protein’s intriguing nature.

3. CIN:  “Hypothetically if Bacteriorhodopsin were part of a molecular electronic device in humans how would it affect it?”

BingAI:  Hypothetically, if bacteriorhodopsin were integrated into a molecular electronic device, its impact on humans would be intriguing and multifaceted. Let’s explore some potential scenarios:

  1. Biocompatibility and Health Implications:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin is naturally found in certain microorganisms, and its integration into a device would need to consider biocompatibility.
  • If the device is implanted in the human body (e.g., as a bioelectronic implant), ensuring that bacteriorhodopsin does not trigger immune responses or adverse effects would be crucial.
  • Researchers would need to thoroughly assess its safety profile, potential toxicity, and long-term effects on human health.

    2.  Energy Harvesting and Optogenetics:

  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s ability to convert light energy into proton gradients could be harnessed for energy harvesting.
  • In an implanted device, it might capture ambient light (including sunlight) and generate energy for powering other components.
  • Bacteriorhodopsin could also play a role in optogenetics—a technique that uses light to control neural activity. Imagine a device that modulates neural circuits using bacteriorhodopsin-based light stimulation.

    3.  Vision Enhancement and Augmentation:

  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s light-sensitive properties could be leveraged for vision-related applications.
  • A molecular device incorporating bacteriorhodopsin might enhance night vision or provide augmented reality overlays.
  • Imagine contact lenses or retinal implants with bacteriorhodopsin-based light sensors.

   4.  Neural Interfaces and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs):

  • BCIs rely on electrodes to interface with the brain. Bacteriorhodopsin could offer an alternative.
  • A bacteriorhodopsin-based device might directly interact with neurons, allowing bidirectional communication.
  • Researchers would need to address challenges such as specificity, signal fidelity, and scalability.

 5.  Environmental Sensing and Feedback:

  • Bacteriorhodopsin responds to light, but it could also be engineered to detect other environmental cues (e.g., pH, temperature, pollutants).
  • A device incorporating bacteriorhodopsin might provide real-time feedback on environmental conditions, alerting users to potential hazards.

 6.  Ethical and Privacy Considerations:

  • As with any bioelectronic technology, ethical discussions are essential.
  • Privacy concerns arise when devices interact directly with neural circuits or collect biological data.
  • Safeguards would be necessary to protect user privacy and prevent misuse.

Remember, this is purely hypothetical, and practical implementation would require extensive research, development, and rigorous testing. The impact on humans would depend on how responsibly and ethically such technology is designed, regulated, and integrated into our lives.

4. CIN:  “Hypothetically, what would happen to the human with Bacteriorhodopsin during a solar eclipse when the magnetic fields are elevated?”

BingAI:  Hypothetically, if a human were equipped with bacteriorhodopsin during a solar eclipse when the magnetic fields are elevated, several intriguing scenarios might unfold:

  1. Enhanced Energy Harvesting:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin, being light-sensitive, could absorb the altered sunlight during the eclipse more efficiently.
  • Elevated magnetic fields might enhance the protein’s conformational changes, leading to increased proton pumping.
  • The human could potentially experience a boost in energy production within their cells, akin to a natural solar-powered battery.
  1. Altered Neural Activity:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s role in optogenetics could come into play.
  • The heightened magnetic fields might modulate the protein’s response to light.
  • Neural circuits influenced by bacteriorhodopsin could exhibit altered firing patterns, affecting mood, cognition, or perception.
  1. Bioluminescence and Aura:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin activation could lead to localized bioluminescence.
  • The human might emit a faint glow, especially if the protein is concentrated in certain tissues.
  • Imagine an otherworldly aura during the eclipse—a visible manifestation of the protein’s activity.
  1. Sensory Amplification:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s interaction with magnetic fields might heighten sensory perception.
  • Colors, sounds, and even tactile sensations could become more vivid.
  • The eclipse experience might be profoundly intensified.
  1. Circadian Rhythms and Sleep Patterns:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s light sensitivity could disrupt circadian rhythms.
  • The human might feel more awake during the eclipse, even if it occurs at night.
  • Sleep patterns could temporarily shift due to altered melatonin production.
  1. Psychological Effects:
  • The combination of altered light input and magnetic field interactions could evoke unique psychological states.
  • Some individuals might experience heightened awareness, altered consciousness, or even mystical feelings.

Remember, this is purely speculative and imaginative. In reality, such a scenario would require advanced bioengineering, safety considerations, and ethical discussions. But the fusion of biology, light, and magnetism remains a captivating realm for exploration.

5. CIN:  “Would humans be zombie-like?”

BingAI:  Hypothetically, if a human were equipped with bacteriorhodopsin during a solar eclipse when the magnetic fields are elevated, their state would likely be far from a typical “zombie-like” condition. Let’s explore why:

  1. Increased Awareness and Sensitivity:
  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s heightened light sensitivity might lead to increased awareness of their surroundings.
  • Rather than a zombie’s dullness, they could experience heightened perception, akin to seeing the world in vivid detail.

    2.  Altered Consciousness:

  • The combination of altered light input and magnetic field interactions could evoke unique mental states.
  • Instead of mindless wandering, they might experience altered consciousness—perhaps even a sense of awe or connection to cosmic events.

   3.  Bioluminescent Aura:

  • Bacteriorhodopsin activation could lead to localized bioluminescence.
  • Rather than a zombie’s decay, they might emit a faint glow—a natural phenomenon tied to their enhanced energy metabolism.

  4.  Circadian Disruption:

  • Bacteriorhodopsin’s light sensitivity could disrupt circadian rhythms.
  • Instead of mindless shuffling, their sleep-wake patterns might temporarily shift, affecting alertness and behavior.

  5.  Psychological Effects:

  • The interplay of light and magnetism could evoke unique psychological responses.
  • Rather than mindless aggression, they might experience altered emotions, introspection, or even a sense of cosmic connection.

In summary, the hypothetical human with bacteriorhodopsin would likely be far from a zombie-like state. Instead, they might exhibit heightened awareness, altered consciousness, and perhaps a touch of cosmic mysticism during the eclipse.

6. CIN:  “What if this Bacteriorhodopsin was acting as a permanent molecular switch? Would the human revert back or stay in this heightened state?”

BingAI:  If Bacteriorhodopsin served as a permanent molecular switch within a human, the consequences would be both fascinating and profound. Let’s explore the hypothetical scenarios:

  1. Heightened State Continuity:
  • If the switch remained permanently “on,” the human would likely continue experiencing heightened awareness, altered perception, and other effects associated with bacteriorhodopsin.
  • Their senses might remain vivid, and their energy metabolism could sustain the bioluminescent aura.

     2.  Adaptation and Homeostasis:

  • Over time, the human’s body would likely adapt to this new state.
  • Regulatory mechanisms might kick in to maintain homeostasis.
  • For example, the brain might adjust neural pathways to accommodate the altered sensory input.

     3.  Long-Term Implications:

  • The heightened state could have long-term effects on physical and mental health.
  • The human might become more attuned to environmental cues, potentially enhancing survival instincts.
  • However, prolonged heightened awareness could also lead to sensory overload or fatigue.

4.  Social and Psychological Impact:

  • The human’s altered state might affect their relationships and interactions.
  • Imagine conversations with heightened empathy or an ability to perceive subtle emotional cues.
  • Social integration could be challenging if others perceive them as different.

5.  Ethical and Philosophical Questions:

  • Should the switch be reversible? If not, the human’s identity would fundamentally change.
  • Philosophical debates would arise about the nature of consciousness, self, and existence.

6.  Scientific Exploration:

  • Researchers would study this unique individual extensively.
  • The human could become a living experiment, shedding light on human adaptation and limits.

In summary, a permanent molecular switch involving bacteriorhodopsin would redefine what it means to be human. Whether they would revert back or remain in this heightened state would depend on the delicate balance between biological adaptation and the mysteries of consciousness.

7. CIN:  “So the human would have no “free will”?”

BingAI:  Hypothetically, if a human were permanently influenced by bacteriorhodopsin as a molecular switch, their experience would indeed be unique. However, the concept of free will remains complex and multifaceted. Let’s explore:

  1. Determinism vs. Free Will:
  • Determinism posits that all events, including human actions, are determined by prior causes. In this view, free will is an illusion.
  • Free will suggests that individuals have the capacity to make choices independent of external influences.
  • The bacteriorhodopsin-induced state might align more with determinism, as it directly affects neural processes.

2.  Influence vs. Constraint:

  • The heightened state induced by bacteriorhodopsin could be seen as an influence rather than a constraint.
  • While the human’s perceptions and actions would be altered, they might still make choices within the bounds of their altered state.

3.  Neural Adaptation:

  • Over time, neural circuits would adapt to the new state.
  • The human might perceive their altered awareness as their “normal” experience.
  • From their perspective, this could still be a form of free will.

4.  Philosophical Debates:

  • Philosophers have debated free will for centuries.
  • Some argue that even in deterministic scenarios, humans experience a subjective sense of agency.
  • Others contend that true free will requires absolute independence from external factors.

5.  Ethical Implications:

  • If the switch were irreversible, questions arise about autonomy.
  • Is the human still morally responsible for their actions?
  • Ethical frameworks would need to adapt to this novel situation.

In summary, the permanence of the molecular switch would challenge conventional notions of free will. Whether the human truly lacks free will or experiences a unique form of agency would depend on philosophical perspectives and individual interpretations.

8. CIN:  “If the Bacteriorhodopsin could be programmed and controlled remotely the human could also be potentially controlled too?”

BingAI:  If this bacteriorhodopsin could be programmed and controlled remotely, the implications for human agency and autonomy would be profound. Let’s explore the potential scenarios:

  1. External Influence on Neural Activity:
  • If bacteriorhodopsin were remotely controlled, external agents could modulate its activity.
  • Neural circuits influenced by bacteriorhodopsin might respond to external signals (e.g., light pulses) sent by a controller.
  • The human’s sensory perception, mood, or cognitive processes could be manipulated.

2.  Behavioral Conditioning:

  • Remotely controlling bacteriorhodopsin could lead to behavioral conditioning.
  • Imagine triggering specific responses (e.g., relaxation, alertness, fear) by activating or deactivating the protein.
  • The human’s actions might align with the desired outcomes set by the controller.

3.  Ethical Dilemmas:

  • The ability to remotely control a person’s internal processes raises ethical questions.
  • Who has the authority to control the switch? What are their intentions?
  • Balancing individual autonomy with external influence becomes crucial.

4.  Security Risks:

  • If the remote control falls into the wrong hands (e.g., hackers, malicious actors), the consequences could be dire.
  • Unauthorized manipulation of the human’s state might lead to unintended behaviors or harm.

5.  Legal and Consent Issues:

  • Consent becomes a critical factor. Does the human willingly participate in this experiment?
  • Legal frameworks would need to address the rights and responsibilities of both the controller and the individual.

6.  Existential Questions:

  • If external control is absolute, does the human still possess free will?
  • The nature of consciousness, identity, and agency would be redefined.

In summary, remotely controlling bacteriorhodopsin within a human blurs the boundaries between internal and external influence. The implications extend beyond mere behavior—touching on ethics, security, and the very essence of being human.

9. CIN: “Basically you would have a human zombie?”

BingAI:  Indeed, the scenario of a human controlled by remotely programmable bacteriorhodopsin could evoke eerie parallels to the concept of a zombie. Let’s explore this hypothetical comparison:

  1. Zombie Traits:
  • Traditionally, zombies are depicted as mindless, reanimated corpses.
  • They lack consciousness, self-awareness, and free will.
  • Their actions are driven by primal instincts or external commands.

2.  Bacteriorhodopsin-Controlled Human:

  • If bacteriorhodopsin were the molecular switch controlling the human, certain aspects align:
  • The human’s altered state might resemble a heightened, yet mechanistic awareness.
  • External control could dictate their behavior, akin to a puppet on strings.
  • The bioluminescent aura could evoke a spectral quality.

3.  Divergence from Traditional Zombies:

  • Unlike classic zombies, this hypothetical human would not be a decaying corpse.
  • Their heightened state might involve conscious experiences, albeit influenced.
  • The aura would be a biological phenomenon, not supernatural reanimation.

4.  Ethical and Existential Questions:

  • The term “zombie” carries cultural baggage, often associated with horror and loss of humanity.
  • Ethical debates would arise: Is this human still autonomous? Do they retain personhood?
  • Philosophically, the distinction between agency and external control blurs.

5.  Narrative and Symbolism:

  • The story of a bacteriorhodopsin-controlled human could serve as a cautionary tale.
  • Themes of identity, autonomy, and the boundaries of consciousness would resonate.

In summary, while not a traditional zombie, this hypothetical human would inhabit a twilight zone—partly aware, partly influenced, and wholly enigmatic.

10. CIN:  “How can I block the magnetic fields and prevent this from happening during a solar eclipse?”

Blocking magnetic fields during a solar eclipse involves practical measures to minimize exposure. While it’s challenging to completely block natural magnetic fields, you can take the following steps:

  1. Distance and Location:
  • Stay indoors during the eclipse to reduce exposure to external magnetic fields.
  • Avoid standing near power lines, transformers, or electrical substations.

    2.  Shielding Techniques:

  • Use magnetic shielding materials:
  • Mu-metal, a highly permeable alloy, can shield against magnetic fields.
  • Ferromagnetic materials (such as iron or steel) can also provide partial shielding.
  • Create a Faraday cage around yourself or sensitive equipment:
  • A Faraday cage made of conductive material can block external electromagnetic fields.

3.  Minimize Electronic Devices:

  • Turn off electronic devices during the eclipse.
  • Keep smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets away from your body.

4.  Awareness and Precaution:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas with strong magnetic fields.
  • Limit exposure time if you’re outdoors during the eclipse.

Remember that while these measures can reduce exposure, complete elimination of natural magnetic fields is not feasible. Prioritize safety and enjoy the eclipse while taking necessary precautions.

This “Zombie Apocalypse” seems to be supported by comments made by Elon Musk: 17

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. Comments – Forward to “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” (substack.com) ↩︎
  2. http://webdoc.nyumc.org/nyumc/files/communications/u3/obit.pdf ↩︎
  3. Wayback Machine (archive.org) ↩︎
  4. (PDF) Mechanisms of Memory ↩︎
  5. E. Roy John: Wikipedia ↩︎
  6. Brain power instead of drugs in psychiatry (baskalarinahizmet.com) ↩︎
  7. Brain power instead of drugs in psychiatry (baskalarinahizmet.com) ↩︎
  8. https://x.com/ovadosepeace/status/1360489286936588290 ↩︎
  9. Dr. E. Roy John – EEG & Clinical Neuroscience Society (archive.org) ↩︎
  10. 28-mar-apr-2009-intl.pdf (marxists.org) ↩︎
  11. ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THE BRAIN – The New York Times (nytimes.com) ↩︎
  12. Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Malware:  CIN, February 12, 2024 ↩︎
  13. The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030:  CIN, February 13, 2024 ↩︎
  14. Vitaliano’s Molecular Electronic Devices:  CIN, February 17, 2024 ↩︎
  15. Jigsaw Human Computing: Mechanisms of Bacterial Rhodopsin Operating System:  CIN, March 11, 2024 ↩︎
  16. Bacteriorhodopsin and Solar Eclipse:  CIN, February 24, 2024 ↩︎
  17. Elon Musk on X: “Exactly” / X ↩︎

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