
Bacteriorhodopsin and Solar Eclipse

This segment is from the “Ascension of the Molecular Biological Machines”, aka the “Rise of the Graphene Zombies” about the Bacteriorhodopsin Operating System which electrically excites the “GQD Particle” that is used to transform humans into Biological Computers or Androids capable of remotely processing at exponentially higher speeds than that of modern computers.

An email sent by a reader after reviewing the Bacteriorhodopsin material referenced relationships between Bacteriorhodopsin and the coming elcipse on April 8 of this year. If you have not read the Bacteriorhodopsin articles about the GQD neural interface Operating System, you should start there. 1 2 3 Now, I do not subscribe to FEAR, and I am most certainly not someone that worries about shit that “might” happen, but this lead was just so strange and compelling enough to research and share with you now.

What is a Solar Eclipse?

Solar eclipses occur when the moon moves between the sun and the earth. The moon causes the light of the sun to be blocked from reaching earth, casting a shadow on earth. A total solar eclipse is when the moon completely blocks the sun. The sun’s outer atmosphere (called the solar corona) glows around the moon when it is blocking the sun. A partial solar eclipse is when the moon only blocks part of the sun. Viewing a partial solar eclipse can expose your eye to the sun’s rays causing damage to the eye. 4

How can your eyes be affected during a Solar Eclipse?

Exposing your eyes to the sun without proper eye protection during a solar eclipse can cause “eclipse blindness” or retinal burns, also known as solar retinopathy. This exposure to the light can cause damage or even destroy cells in the retina (the back of the eye) that transmit what you see to the brain. The damage can happen during the partial or complete solar eclipse. This damage can be temporary or permanent and occurs with no pain. It can take a few hours to a few days after viewing the solar eclipse to realize the damage that has occurred. 5

What happens to Bacteriorhodopsin during a solar eclipse?

Many biological systems exhibit photochromism. For example, Rhodopsin is a natural photochromic substance, present in the retina of the eye. Rhodopsin is a pigment which is activated by light, producing a nerve stimulus transmitted to the cortex to start the process of visual perception. 6

Photochromic materials respond to incoming light intensity and can  modify their color reversibly. Photochromics are generally unstable organic molecules; they are transparent and colorless when the light is soft (darker) and they don’t absorb much light. Due to the induction effect of electromagnetic radiation of photons of the near UV light spectrum, they are activated and change their molecular configuration and their light transmission coefficient. This means that more light will pass through these pigments; more light means more energy. But should this near UV light over excitation happen to the retina of the eyes containing Rhodopsin, this could result in serious eye damage. 7 8

A similar Rhodopsin protein was discovered in the bacterium Halobacterium halobium in 1971, which is called bacteriorhodopsin (BR). Various physical effects of BR have been discovered, including energy conversion (photosynthesis), photochromism, and photoelectric. Bacteriorhodopsin is the “Operating System” of the Nanotechnology designed by Franco Vitaliano that is being used to manifest the NWOs Transhumanist Agenda. 9

Research shows that more Bacteriorhodopsin receptors are formed under near UV light spectrum10 Therefore the more receptors you have of this “Operating System” the more control they can exert over you. 

What is the near UV light spectrum? Near ultraviolet refers to any ultraviolet (UV) light in the 180 to 400 nanometer wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The Bacteriorhodopsin molecule is purple and is most efficient at absorbing green light in the visible light spectrum(in the wavelength range 500-650 nm). However, it can also absorb light in the near UV light spectrum, specifically near UV light in the 265-300 nm range as seen in this diagram which is also the near UV range that can pose the most damage to humans: 11

UV-VIS Absorbance Spectrum of bacteriorhodopsin.

So what would happen during a solar eclipse when all visible light is blocked? 

The amount of ultraviolet (UV) light rays remains the same, but the solar eclipse limits the amount of visible light coming down to Earth. Basically the amount of UV light entering your eyes is far more intense. 

However, if we truly want to compare this biological system to a functional computer, we need to discuss the Operating System they are using; namely Bacteriorhodopsin. 

Computers operate by using millions of electronic switches (transistors), each of which is either on or off (similar to a light switch, but much smaller). The state of the switch (either on or off) can represent binary information, such as yes or no, true or false, 1 or 0….The binary number system is the base of all computing systems and operations. It enables devices to store, access and manipulate all types of information directed to and from the CPU or memory.  Bacteriorhodopsin is a Binary “Operating System” much like your cell phone, computers, telephone and your wifi and router which also carry binary code! With this nanotechnology your genes, which also carry on/off switches can be activated! 12 13

Since the pigments of Bacteriorhodopsin behave like switches depending on which ones are activated a solar eclipse that would eliminate visible light may serve to activate the pigments in the near UV light spectrum. Research shows that this is indeed true for this Bacteriorhodopsin pigment. 14  In this report, exposure to near UV light spectrum of Bacteriorhodopsin caused an influx of chlorine ions across the membrane. Symptoms of chlorine gas exposure to the eyes include redness, burning, tearing, and blurred vision. In more serious cases, exposure to chlorine gas can cause permanent damage to the eyes, including corneal ulcers, scarring, and blindness. 15

The majority of Dr. Felix Hong’s research was on developing this Bacteriorhodopsin molecular operating system for the human body. 16 17 In this presentation by “Dr. Felix Hong highlights the difference between a conventional digital computer and the human brain. In discussing the mixed digital and analog information processing, he pointed out the importance of electrostatic interactions as a prevalent mechanism for molecular switching of reaction pathways as well as for dynamic network control.” 18

Bacterial Rhodopsin can also act as a Photovoltaic Cell. A photovoltaic (PV) cell, commonly called a solar cell, acts to convert sunlight directly to electricity. Some PV cells can convert artificial light into electricity. Sunlight is composed of photons, or particles of solar energy. This chemical energy is being converted to electricity and being harvested on the quantum field as we speak. We are, as Franco Vitaliano describes… “solar cells” until of course our mitochondria which help to produce this energy burn out from exhaustion. 19

Bacterial Rhodopsin acts as a Photon Pump generator when exposed to light and produces ATP energy (fuel).  Other research scientists that attended the same conference as Dr. Felix Hong confirm this function but fail to indicate what light wavelengths they used to sustain production of the Photon Pump required to generate electricity but they make mention that this reaction once turned on is sustained:

“Bacteriorhodopsin, bR and halorhodopsin, hR, however function as light-driven ion pumps for protons and chloride respectively converting photon energy into ionic electrochemical potential to drive metabolic processes…. Under specific illumination regimes, bR concentration and pH photo-oscillations became sustained.” 20

However, we found a more recent  2022 paper that other authors submitted but where all  peer reviewers refused to accept the paper into publication. The researchers showed that “Directional Proton Conductance in Bacteriorhodopsin Is Driven by  a Concentration Gradient” implying that under light illumination Photons are not being pumped into the cell as we initially thought,  but outwards. 21 We believe this mechanism may explain how this Bacteriorhodopsin operating system is being “switched on” but also how they are harvesting the electricity generated by the GQD in your body. 

The following paper looked at the Bacteria itself. The authors found that upon exposure to UV light the bacteria began to swim thus obtaining the energy to move their flagellum. This paper further confirms our hypothesis that UV radiation is required for the direct activation of the Bacteriorhodopsin expression. The Bacteriorhodopsin expression depends on time of exposure which they say is 10 seconds to 8 minutes. In theory, staring at the solar eclipse for that length of time, you can expect irreversible damage. 22

The cytoplasmic side of Bacteriorhodopsin is mainly governed by weak electrostatic interactions  that determine how the protein is arranged on the cell membrane. However ion-mediated electrostatic interactions (such as the uptake of Chlorine) can have important implications in the Bacteriorhodopsin structure and function. These structural changes of Bacteriorhodopsin can alter mechanical properties and the force fields necessary to control Bacteriorhodopsin activity. The research findings in this paper indicate that such conformational changes in Bacteriorhodopsin stabilize the protein, making its unfolding more difficult. 23

So is the Solar Eclipse acting as the “On Switch”? I don’t know, but we won’t be having another eclipse for at least 75 years!

This is the first time that they will be closing schools down and sending kids home during a solar eclipse. In the past educators have always made these events a teachable moment? I am not certain if an on/off switch will be activated but it’s better to be safe rather than sorry.   

solar eclipse time interval exposure to UV

The solar eclipse will take place on Monday April 8 and will  present at different times depending on your time zone. What the MSM is not telling you is that the partial eclipse leading to total eclipse and then ending with another partial eclipse is the  time interval where you would be exposed to the UV light spectrum.  It is the entire event which lasts 2.5 hours, not just the total eclipse you need to concern yourself with. I suggest you remain indoors and in the dark for that entire time; take a nap, play a board game, listen to music but do not go outdoors.  This site will help navigate your time zone. 24

Prions are also affected by UV light. Under UV light prions will accumulate. Earlier we showed disease X  was a COVID-based prion disease. 25 The solar eclipse may very well be the trigger to a lot more than we realize. My guess is that it will bring about an Ebola-like disease. We also wrote about this earlier. 26

During a solar eclipse, when the moon blocks more of that solar radiation from reaching the Earth, there are massive changes in the ionosphere’s electrical conductivity. Those changes ripple out, affecting Earth’s own electric and magnetic fields. “Because the ionosphere has conductive currents running through it, it’s part of the global magnetic system,” he said. That means eclipse-related disturbances may affect not only radio-relevant parts of the atmosphere, but the entire geomagnetic field, which can put at risk satellites, astronauts, and more. 27 28 In this article NASA shows that the magnetic field does increase during a solar eclipse: 29

Bacteriorhodopsin requires it to be aligned on the plasma membrane. To do this, magnetic fields are used and applied perpendicular to the pigment (same direction one would take viewing the solar eclipse):

“Fragments of this so-called purple membrane (PM) are easily prepared in large quantities and have been used for a wide array of optical and biophysical experiments. The PM fragments have an average diameter of about 1 μm, and this is sufficiently large that the total magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of such a particle causes it to align nearly 100% when placed in a strong magnetic field (≥11 T), with the membrane plane orthogonal to the direction of the magnetic field.

“The fact that the PM surface orients orthogonal to the magnetic field causes the induced alignment tensor to be twofold larger compared to vertical surfaces, such as found in bicelle and phage media. Therefore, frequently only very small quantities of PM are needed to cause significant alignment.” 30

Salt plays an important role in aligning the bacteriorhodopsin pigment itself too (high salt more alignment and permanent when placed in a magnetic field). 31

These articles also state that magnetic fields applied perpendicularly also activate Bacteriorhodopsin. So  staring at the eclipse which delivers the UV light and the magnetic fields could change how Bacteriorhodopsin functions. 32 33 34

Is this the start of the “Zombie Apocalypse” Elon Musk has alluded to? A solar eclipse that will impact both UV and Magnetic Fields? A purple Bacteriorhodopsin pigment “operating system” that is affected by both UV and Magnetic Fields? Coincidental? Maybe? Maybe not?

From being an alien to a zombie apocalypse and flame throwers : Elon Musk  in his own bizarre words | The Sun

In Europe they are predicting a “European Pearl Harbour Event”? 35

LMAO… they are having Parties in Niagara… airlines are offering special flights for a “special view” and Christian Fundamentalists are citing “Revelations”!

I am not saying anything is going to happen, but I am also not going to deny the fact that things are getting weird. You can make whatever you want of this information. Personally, like all of these hyped events, You don’t have to fear them, but I will take a 3 hour nap during the eclipse… in the dark!

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Malware:  CIN, February 12, 2024 ↩︎
  2. The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030:  CIN, February 13, 2024 ↩︎
  3. The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030: CIN, February 13, 2024 ↩︎
  4. Solar Eclipse Eye Safety: Prevent Blindness ↩︎
  5. Solar Eclipse Eye Safety: Prevent Blindness ↩︎
  6. Photochromism: Wikipedia ↩︎
  7. Materials that Change Color – Smart Materials, Intelligent Design: idu.ac.id ↩︎
  8. Ultraviolet damage to the eye revisited – eye-sun protection factor (E-SPF®), a new ultraviolet protection label for eyewear: PMC (nih.gov) ↩︎
  9. Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Malware:  CIN, February 12, 2024 ↩︎
  10. Quantitation of photochromism of sensory rhodopsin-I by computerized tracking of Halobacterium halobium cells: PubMed (nih.gov) ↩︎
  11. UV-VIS Absorbance Spectrum of bacteriorhodopsin: | Download Scientific Diagram (researchgate.net) ↩︎
  12. Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Malware:  CIN, February 12, 2024 ↩︎
  13. Photoswitch based on bacteriorhodopsin Langmuir–Blodgett films – Wang – 1994 – Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics: Wiley Online Library ↩︎
  14. Light-dependent trans to cis isomerization of the retinal in halorhodopsin: PubMed (nih.gov) ↩︎
  15. Ophthalmic Manifestations of Chlorine Gas Exposure: What Do We Know So Far?: PMC (nih.gov) ↩︎
  16. Bacteriorhodopsin: The Operating System of the Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Malware:  CIN, February 12, 2024 ↩︎
  17. The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030:  CIN, February 13, 2024 ↩︎
  18. Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. Abstract Book: dtic.mil ↩︎
  19. The Living Matrix: Hunger Games 2030:  CIN, February 13, 2024 ↩︎
  20. Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. Abstract Book: dtic.mil ↩︎
  21. Directional Proton Conductance in Bacteriorhodopsin Is Driven by Concentration Gradient, Not Affinity Gradient: bioRxiv ↩︎
  22. January_2016_1453274697__177.pdf: worldwidejournals.com ↩︎
  23. Electrostatic and Steric Interactions Determine Bacteriorhodopsin Single-Molecule Biomechanics: Biophysical Journal: cell.com ↩︎
  24. Eclipse Calculator: City Lookup timeanddate.com ↩︎
  25. Disease X:  COVID Induced Prion Disease:  CIN, February 9, 2024 ↩︎
  27.  Statistical analysis of geomagnetic field variations during solar eclipses: ScienceDirect ↩︎
  28. Eclipse Will Have Atmospheric Impact: colorado.edu ↩︎
  29. Ride the Wave of Radio Astronomy During the Solar Eclipse: NASA Science ↩︎
  30. Purple Membrane – an overview: Science Direct ↩︎
  31. Bacteriorhodopsin – an overview: ScienceDirect Topics ↩︎
  32. Bacteriorhodopsin based non-magnetic spin filters for biomolecular spintronics: PubMed (nih.gov) ↩︎
  33. Light-Controlled Spin Filtering in Bacteriorhodopsin: Nano Letters (acs.org) ↩︎
  34. Energy transformations early in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle revealed by DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR: PNAS ↩︎
  35. https://x.com/Ahmetzbek/status/1761308178367590797 ↩︎

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