
Frank Giustra Seeks to Silence Twitter Users

Bill Clinton, Carlos Slim, and Frank Giustra

This is part one of the Frank Giustra series.

In April 2019, Canada’s billionaire mining entrepreneur and philanthropist Frank Giustra launched a lawsuit against the social media giant Twitter for defamation, claiming that he had been harassed on the platform since February 2015 (1). In his submission, Giustra professes to have had a squeaky-clean reputation before a handful of tweets tarnished his image. Among other things, he believes that he was vilified during the 2016 presidential election due to his ties with the Clinton Foundation, which itself has been plagued with reports of corruption for decades (2)(3). He also mentions in the suit that he has been accused of being a pedophile and being involved in Pizzagate.

In June, Twitter filed an application in response to the lawsuit, stating that BC was not the proper place to sue because the “court lacks jurisdiction (4).” Twitter went on to say that the suit should be either dismissed, stayed, or declined jurisdiction in favour of the courts in California, where most of the witnesses and documents are located. For its part, Twitter said in the application that it is a platform for people to express their views and that it already has a team of “safety experts” who enforce their rules. They also said that they cannot proactively screen all content, which is exactly what Giustra wants them to do.

Giustra wants a mandatory permanent injunction requiring Twitter to delete, remove, cease or prevent publication of the tweets, as well as a mandatory permanent injunction requiring the company to prohibit publication by its users of materials that are defamatory of the plaintiff on an indefinite basis. He’s also seeking general damages and costs (5).

Giustra is demanding that anything anyone says about him to be moderated. He wants comments about him that feature him negatively not published at all. Not only that, but he has a list of tweets that he wants removed. A lot of the tweets are older and he complained about these specific tweets at the time too. The list contains 98 tweets and are listed in the appendix of his lawsuit (6)(7). He basically wants his own expert Twitter posse, ready to sift through Twitter 24 hours a day, looking for anything negative about him.

What are the implications of this? Essentially, Giustra wants to change Twitter’s business model to a publisher instead of a social media platform. By launching his lawsuit in Canada, Giustra aims to set legal precedent in Canadian censorship laws which differ from those of the United States. These are the sort of loopholes Giustra employs in his business dealings; for example, he set up the Canadian affiliate of the Clinton Foundation in order to circumvent US laws, which unlike Canadian laws, require the disclosure of all it’s donors (8).

Who is Frank Giustra?

According to Wikipedia, Giustra is a Canadian businessman and mining financier (9). He began his work in the investment industry in 1978 and developed a reputation for being able to quickly raise billions of dollars. He then created a “resource-financing” group in Europe for Yorkton Securities and then went on to work with Rob McEwen and Ian Telfer to turn Goldcorp into the fourth largest gold mining company in the world. Giustra has also collaborated with or is associated with: Endeavor Financial, UrAsia Energy, Leogold Mining, Fiore Group, the Radcliffe Foundation, Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, the Boys Club Network, and the Crisis Group. This is not where the list stops, and MarketScreener has an excellent summary of his other business interests and connections (10).

On November 5th, 2012, BCBusiness ran a very revealing article about Giustra (11). It traces through his childhood, noting that even as a child he “wanted to get away with murder.” The article details how his latest venture at the time was to promote his “green gold” olive oil. Apparently, as Giustra proudly states, his friends Bill and Hillary Clinton love it. This quote from the article sums up Frank:

Frank Giustra changes direction as regularly as the wind, turning whatever catches his interest to gold. He wanted to be a stockbroker, so he became a legend on Howe Street. He dreamed of Hollywood, so he built Lions Gate Entertainment. And when he wanted to truly give back, he called Bono and the Clintons. Now with a black book of personal contacts who literally change the world, Giustra can’t wait to tell you about his new venture.

Who’s in Frank’s little “black book” of contacts other than the Clintons and George Soros? Who else wants to “change the world”? And what “new ventures” has Frank pursued since this article was written? By exploring his involvement with various foundations and charities listed above, our goal is to answer some of these questions.

The Giustra Foundation (formerly known as the Radcliffe Foundation) website states he is CEO of Fiore group and the founder of Lionsgate Entertainment (12). In addition, the Giustra Foundation has more recently become “actively involved in the refugee crisis by providing humanitarian aid in Greece and Turkey.” He is also founding partner in both The Ascend Collaborative and the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (13)(14). It’s important to note that Giustra does not generally get involved with anything unless there is a profit to be made (15, page 31).

Along with George Soros, Giustra funds and is also an active Board Trustee of the International Crisis Group (ICG), an organization that describes itself as independent and non-partisan, but has consistently championed NATO’s wars (16)(17)(18)(19). These topics are complicated and will be explored in subsequent articles.

The foundation’s site also highlights Giustra’s work with the infamous Clinton Foundation, despite their involvement in the questionable Uranium One deal, which is still shrouded in secrets. In fact, controversy seems to be an ongoing theme in Giustra’s collaboration with the Clintons (20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25), so much so that their integrity remains problematic. This did not stop Justin Trudeau from praising Giustra and the Radcliffe Foundation at the UN in September, 2016 (26).

In Giustra’s lawsuit, he claims that he was “vilified…in part in part because of his charitable and philanthropic work in support of the Clinton Foundation in (27). Giustra did famously say back in 2015 that (28):

All of my chips, almost, are on Bill Clinton… He’s a brand, a worldwide brand, and he can do things and ask for things that no one else can…..The one thing that works for me is generosity. Generosity can be very profitable.”

It is therefore necessary to obtain a good background as far as the type of operations that the Clintons engage in. Probably one of the best sources, and most entertaining to watch, is the 2015 documentary Clinton Cash, based on the book of the same name by Peter Schweizer (29). When the book was released, the Clinton camp were running around in a panic, waiting to see what kinds of errors there were or what excuses they could make. Many news outlets were given advance copies of the book to fact-check the work (30). Errors were subsequently corrected in the Kindle version of the book, and the publisher, HarperCollins, insisted that the errors were minor (31):

The changes that Amazon is referring to as significant are actually quite minor. We made 7-8 factual corrections after the first printing and fixed a technical issue regarding the endnotes. This global fix may have made the changes appear more extensive than they were.

Zero Hedge made a good point shortly after the film’s release (32):

While these accusations, many of which have been substantiated by multiple sources, would be devastating to mere mortal presidential candidates, we’re certain these are just a few more negative data points that will not stick to the teflon-coated Clinton couple.

Does Frank Giustra have a “teflon coat”? His lawsuit suggests otherwise. One look at any search results including both Giustra and Clinton’s names will make you wonder why he is denying any shady dealings with the Clinton Foundation. It looks like it will take a lot more than scrubbing Twitter to remove these stains. And considering how much he wants to avoid any future publication of stuff about him, what’s on his agenda next?

Seeing that the vast amount of information in Clinton Cash remains undisputed, this is definitively worth a watch. The Giustra section starts at 37:17 if you are pressed for time. So, grab some popcorn, treat yourself to a movie, and CIN will continue to roll out the truth about Frank Giustra; it’s a real-life “Game of Thrones” with dragons no less!


1. https://globalnews.ca/news/5207866/frank-giustra-twitter-lawsuit/
2. https://clintonfoundationtimeline.com/
3. 21stcenturywire.com/2013/09/22/bilderberg-ceremony-soros-wedding-reveals-clinton-global-initiative-cabal/
4. globalnews.ca/news/5481479/frank-giustra-twitter-lawsuit-response/
5. https://canoe.com/news/national/b-c-man-sues-twitter-says-defamatory-tweets-linked-to-u-s-election
6. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-frank-giustra-sues-twitter-over-alleged-defamatory-tweets/
7. https://globalnews.ca/news/5481479/frank-giustra-twitter-lawsuit-response/
8. judicialwatch.org/investigative-bulletin/the-giustra-file-sustainable-growth-huge-profits/
9. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Giustra
10. https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Frank-Giustra-07DS8X-E/biography/
11. https://www.bcbusiness.ca/frank-giustra-a-man-of-many-hats
12. https://frankgiustra.com/about/
13. https://archive.is/3nxDg
14. https://giustrafoundation.org/about/
15. refugeeinvestments.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/RIN_Paradigm_Shift.pdf
16. https://www.crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/history
17. https://www.crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/board
18. crisisgroup.org/crisis-group-appoints-second-class-giustra-fellows
19. https://newleftreview.org/issues/II63/articles/tom-hazeldine-the-north-atlantic-counsel
20. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/05/03/travels-with-bill-and-frank-a-look-at-the-clinton-giustra-friendship/?noredirect=on
21. https://www.judicialwatch.org/investigative-bulletin/the-giustra-file-part-two-sketchy-friends-of-bill/
22. http://www.americanlibertyreport.com/articles/the-slimy-trail-of-marc-rich-how-one-of-the-clintons-best-friends-gave-the-gift-that-keeps-on-giving/
23. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2016/04/18/exposing-clinton-global-financial-network/
24. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/31/us/politics/31donor.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
25. https://spectator.org/shut-it-down-the-clinton-foundation-is-too-corrupt-to-exist/
26. https://giustrafoundation.org/news/pm-justin-trudeaus-remarks-at-the-united-nations-recognizes-frank-giustra-and-the-work-of-the-radcliffe-foundation/
27. https://globalnews.ca/news/5207866/frank-giustra-twitter-lawsuit/
28. https://www.amazon.com/Clinton-Cash-Foreign-Governments-Businesses/dp/0062369296
29. https://www.businessinsider.com/frank-giustras-amazing-comment-about-bill-clinton-2015-4
30. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_Cash
31. https://www.politico.com/story/2015/05/clinton-cash-publisher-corrects-7-or-8-inaccurate-passages-117946
32. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-25/clinton-cash-debut-just-time-fan-flames-tension-

3 thoughts on “Frank Giustra Seeks to Silence Twitter Users

  1. I owe it to people to continue the fight against the monsters who carry on while
    They laugh at the rest of us. I may or may not win my fight but at least I tried and where I may not succeed..God will! Blessed is our saviour Jesus

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