
Canada Has a Quebec Problem

Sometime in the late 20th century a phenomenon arose in Quebec from far-left policy writers called the social economy (1). This creeping infiltration of socialism within the rest of Canada was largely enabled by the politicians elected from Quebec, beginning under the auspices of Pierre Trudeau, Jean Chrétien, then Paul Martin and culminating with the current Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau (2).
As of August 2018, another Quebec politician has thrown his hat in the ring. Maxime Bernier is proposing to oust Justin Trudeau in October of this year. He is presenting himself to Canadians as an advocate for free markets, taking a hard line against the Milk and Egg Boards, anti-multiculturalism and anti-corporate welfare. He has gathered a motley array of adherents from various sources, many disillusioned by the current political parties, looking for a new voice.
He set up his entourage from former colleagues and newer supporters: Martin Masse, a former staffer, now working as his senior advisor, Clinton Desveaux, a marketing specialist now working as fundraising director and Johanne Mennie, also a former staffer now filling the role of executive director for the PPC.
How is this related to this infestation of socialism within Canada? We previously published an article about Ms. Mennie’s involvement with promotion of the social economy which was well-supported with primary and secondary references. Many PPC supporters have refused to accept the truth of Ms. Mennie’s close involvement with the social economy initiative and the Tides Canada funding to forward this initiative.
We referred to her attendance at the “Scaling Up the Canadian Social Finance Sector” conference on October 19-20, 2006 (3which was a Tides Canada Initiative. The claim was made that she was just a participant and was obliged to attend because it was part of her job.

Is Johanne Mennie a maligned bureaucrat?

The claim made to support Ms. Mennie’s innocence as pertains to being a key globalism financer was that she was just a bureaucrat doing her job. Why, if Ms. Mennie merely participated at this conference, did she then, on November 21 of the same year, attend a Privy Council meeting with three other members of the Tides Foundation team and lobby for social capital? (Figure #2)

Figure #2: On the left, meeting of the Privy Council. On the right, attendees at the Tides Foundation conference.

At the Tides Foundation conference, the objective was clear.

The Tides Canada had a clear political mandate as well: to build an alliances with political parties in order to “seed a social finance agenda.”

Figures #3, #4, #5:  The goal of the Tides conference

How is it possible to maintain that Johanne Mennie attended the meeting as a mere bureaucrat as is claimed by some members of the PPC (4)? Why would she then attend a meeting of the Privy Council and lobby for exactly the same socialist causes as were discussed at the Tides conference?

References were made by Coro Strandberg, author of “Canada 2030. Embedding Sustainability Into Corporate Governance” (5), at the Tides Conference to the urgent need for financial support through government agencies. This was an appeal to Ms. Mennie since her role was that of Deputy Director, Community Development and Partnerships Directorate, Department of Human Resources and Social Development (6).

Figure #6: Social Finance is Ms. Mennie’s #shop”.

It is easy to see that the meeting with the Privy Council was a follow-up to the Tides conference. During this meeting, Ms. Mennie spoke at length about the value of the social economy. Her words in the following screenshot summarize beautifully the urgency for social capital:

Figure #7: Embedded section of Privy Council discussion.

Who oversaw the HRSDC?

When looking into the actions of a bureaucrat, it is always advisable to look beyond to their superiors. At the time of the two meetings mentioned in this document, Johanne Mennie was working under Maxime Bernier (7). If in fact Ms. Mennie was a simple bureaucrat, is it then her superior that is to blame? In reading this quoted document, it is interesting to observe that Maxime Bernier himself was celebrating funding of the social economy through government subsidization (see embedded section of article by M. Bernier).

Figure #8: Excerpt from Maxime Bernier’s article quoted above.

Bernier remained Minister of Industry until August 2007. During this time AND beyond, Stephen Harper cancelled many Social Capital projects which earned him criticism from various sources (8), so clearly any promotion of the social economy was not under Mr. Harper’s purview. Even upon taking up his role as Prime Minister, Mr. Harper began cutting back on social funding, which act was decried as early as the privy council meeting in November of 2006 (see embedded quote of Mrs. Carol Hunter).

Figure #9: Quote from Privy Council meeting.

After Ms. Mennie’s time lobbying for the Social Economy and Social Capital, she went on to work with the Canadian Heritage Foundation and honed her skills at soliciting taxpayer funds to support various causes (9).


To fully grasp the magnitude of Ms. Mennie and Mr. Bernier’s involvement in the social economy initiative which is now undeniable, the reader must understand how closely linked this concept is to that of the UNGCM (10). To support this, we can fast forward to the Trudeau government’s recent promise of $755 million for social services for housing the homeless, the migrants and for jobs training (11). The information is available here as well:

Figure #10, #11

Clearly the social economy movement from Quebec is putting the taxpayer on the hook for enormous amounts of money, outlined in this article by Civilian Intelligence Network (2) and this is only the beginning as migrants continue to pour across the Quebec border.

The creeping socialist infiltration of our Canadian schools, colleges, banks, industries, and political circles largely originating in Quebec from the numerous politicians elected from that province will soon be the end of free speech, freedom of choice and the end of Canada as we know it.

(1) http://anserj.ca/index.php/cjnser/article/download/237/169
(2) https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2019/02/18/soros-tides-foundation-and-the-social-economy-slush-fund/
(3) https://corostrandberg.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/scaling-up-the-canadian-social-finance-sector.pdf
(4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT4iezGSxSw&feature=youtu.be
(5) https://www.jflglobal.com/media/uploads/news/2018-06/Canada_2030EmbeddingSustainability.pdf
(6) http://apps.ourcommons.ca/ParlDataWidgets/en/intervention/1782905
(7) http://publications.gc.ca/site/archivee-archived.html?url=http://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/BT31-4-73-2006E.pdf

(8) https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/wealthy-foundations-wary-of-harpers-crackdown-on-charities/article4105884/
(9) https://openparliament.ca/committees/canadian-heritage/41-2/34/johanne-mennie-2/
(10) https://refugeesmigrants.un.org/sites/default/files/180713_agreed_outcome_global_compact_for_migration.pdf
(11) https://toronto.citynews.ca/2018/11/23/feds-social-finance-pledge-turns-canada-from-laggard-to-leader-experts-say/

3 thoughts on “Canada Has a Quebec Problem

  1. Quebec is not the “problem”. Quebec is the ideal and proverbial “weak link” in the chain. The FEDERAL government and POWER CORPORATION OF CANADA together created the PARTI QUEBECOIS, appointing LEVESQUE to organize and lead it.
    Quebec could be used because it could PLAUSIBLY be said to want to “secede”. However, the two referendums of 1980 and 1995 were NOT about secession. Both were aimed at handing the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT a Yes on a platter. The FED was waiting for it to “NEGOTIATE” not Quebec “secession” but the complete dismantling of Canada into city-states. The “new arrangement” would create the top half of a regional union in North America on the model of the EEC-EU, but it would quickly be more advanced. EU hasn’t disintegrated into city-states yet, though threats were made in recent years to have multi-ethnic LONDON “secede” from the United Kingdom.
    The multinationals and our CONTROLLED governments are USING Quebec, and naive French-Canadians, to dismantle all of Canada into a region of city-states under the long-planned world government.
    PROOF that world government has long been underway by RESTRUCTURING the world into REGIONS after WWII:
    Read the long and very useful Introduction to that UNESCO journal of 1952 by Professor Jean RIVERO, all the proof you need is there:

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