
Chemtrails Deliver Aluminum & Reduced Graphene Oxide to Enhance Phonon Based Consciousness Harvesting

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

UK Daily Mail has published an article about the Biden Administration’s plans to block the sun with aluminum, graphene, (and all that other shit) with an ambitious geoengineering plan to “fight climate change”. 1

There is a patent for this technology, after all. 2

“The freezing of liquid water into solid ice is one of the most common natural phenomena, where ice can be formed homogeneously by pure water or heterogeneously in the presence of foreign materials called ice nucleating particles (INPs). Such INPs can originate from biological, mineralogical and anthropogenic sources, including pollen and bacteria, volcano ashes, atmospheric dust.”

Not only does this application include Reduced Graphene Oxide, but also Aluminum Silicate. Two major components used in Phonon based Consciousness Harvesting.

This is why Aluminum is in the water course, via Chemtrails (and forest fire “smoke”), to transport Phonons. Infrasound. 3 4

Feeling sick during the “smoke advisories”?

What are the symptoms of infrasound exposure?

“Reported effects include those on the inner ear, vertigo, imbalance, etc.; intolerable sensations, incapacitation, disorientation, nausea, vomiting, and bowel spasm; and resonances in inner organs, such as the heart.”

The Aluminum is dispersed and carried by magnetic fields.


Patent claimed by Khalifa University.

Khalifa University is a public research university located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

The Khalifa Family, recall Prince Charles saying that; “HE who shall not be named has TRILLIONS at his disposal”? Combined family wealth may surpass that of the Rothschilds? 5

Ahmed ruled Bahrain as hakim until 1796, but was based in Zubarah (in modern-day Qatar) and spent summers in Bahrain. Ahmed was the first hakim of Bahrain and the progenitor of the ruling Al Khalifa family of Bahrain. All of the Al Khalifa rulers of Bahrain are his descendants. 6

They are not the richest though? 7

Dr. Linda Zou 8 is listed as the inventor and is on this participant list for the international group that developed this technology in 1995, financed by Bahrain.  International Strategic Technology Alliance. 9  Participants were predominantly Chinese: 10

“In 1995, International Strategic Technology Alliance (ISTA) was founded with the support of the Ministry of Education to leverage the collective technology capabilities of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and 14 renowned Chinese tertiary education institutions for applied technology development and commercialization. Through continuous collaboration and networking development, ISTA has extended its membership to 31 institutions and 6 individuals across Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, the UK and the USA.

“ISTA constantly gains exposure for its members to tap into the rich world of international financial market opportunities and interactions with international counterparts of the Alliance. In addition, international organizations such as Australian Technology Network (ATN), European Consortium of Innovative University (ECIU) and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) valued ISTA as the best partnership network of its kind in the region. IT is governed under ATTP which is a registered non-profit organization.” 11

Technology transfer to China.

ATTP was formed in March 2010, and is registered as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee in SCOTLAND. LMAO!  SCOTLAND! The KEY PLAYERS may have been from CHINA but the academic lead was situated in SCOTLAND, home to Freemasonry and the NWO.

Dr. Zou wrote an article with the Graphene Council promoting her technology. 12

Dr. Zou is ranked in the top 2% of scientists according to Stanford. 13

Linda Zou is a professor of Civil Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering from Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Prof. Zou has received contributions to her work on nanotechnology to accelerate water condensation from the National University of Singapore and the University of Belgrade. Zou has developed a new aerosol material for use in cloud seeding: salt crystals coated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

The technique developed by Prof. Zou was used in the January 2020 Cloud Seeding experiment in the UAE.

New Aerosol material?:

“In an effort to find new ways of “making” rain and increasing the level of available drinking water, since 2016 the program has awarded grants totaling $15 million to nine international scientists carrying out research in this field. One of those scientists is Professor Linda Zou, whose work with titanium dioxide nanoparticle technology is giving some in the UAE hope of more effective cloud-seeding.

“More than three years into her project, Zou has developed a new aerosol material for use in cloud seeding: salt crystals coated in titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Zou has already filed two patents relating to her work with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the UAE Research Program for Rain Enhancement Science said. (The professor declined to comment when contacted by WIRED.)

“According to the program’s director, Alya Al-Mazroui, the new material developed by Zou “elongates the condensation process [inside clouds] as it enlarges the cloud droplets more than the conventional material… This results in larger numbers of water droplets during rainfall amounting to up to triple times the old method.” 14

This bio was deleted from the web. 15

MIT celebrates Dr. Zou’s achievements to “fight climate change”. There is an interview with her describing the technology; 16

Dr. Zou: “Yes. As you know, cold clouds with sub-zero temperatures are also present in the atmosphere. They are made of many super cooled water vapors, so although they are below zero, they remain as vapor. Once such cloud encounters the ice nucleation particles, they rapidly form a large number of ice crystals and bypass the liquid water phase. So they form super cool vapor and crystallize into ice particles.

“Ice nucleation is important. It will initiate from the thin water layer formed on the surface of the ice nuclease, and the ice will grow rapidly at the expense of the water vapor in the cloud. We designed and fabricated a porous nanocomposite of 3D reduced graphite oxide and silica dioxide nanoparticles. This material can initiate ice nucleation followed by rapid growth starting from a temperature of minus 80 degrees. This temperature is much higher than most other known ice nucleate material. Often they require minus 25 degrees or even lower.”

Laurel: “This is very critical because the cloud seeding materials go very high up into the atmosphere where it is very cold, correct?”

Dr. Zou: “Yes. The higher you move up to the atmosphere, quickly moving into subzero and very cold.”

Laurel: “In the past, one of the challenges scientists encountered when researching cloud seeding was the lack of a simulation environment. You took this on as part of your research. What did you develop and how will it facilitate future research?”

Dr. Zou collaborated with the Cloud Microphysics Modeling International team.

Rainfall is controlled where they can determine exactly how much rainfall is applied in a given area.

Dr. Zou’s comments: “Immediately after the seeding is released, the electronic equipment, which are electronic optical cameras, will quickly take many, many photos to record the image while the seeding material’s falling. Then we can later analyze at what stage the droplets formed and at what number and size of the droplets. We can do a spectrum analysis to find out their vapor condensation, the droplet formation, and the size and the number of the droplets. Using this information is very good to compare the performance of different materials, and we did that extensively.”

They can apply the technology using drones. 17

Dr. Zou used porous nanocomposite 3D reduced Graphite Oxide and silica dioxide nanoparticles. 18

The Emirati government celebrates Dr. Zou as a Hero of Sustainability. 19

The patent may have been filed in 2020, BUT we found this news release about the technology from 2017. 20

The article states they initially used Titanium Dioxide then Graphene Oxide.

In the patent: “in the present invention is a nanostructured porous composite of 3-dimensional reduced graphene oxide and silica dioxide nanoparticles (PrGO-SN)”.

Not only is this seeding of the environment a threat to our Mind and Soul, it is also a threat to our bodies.

Long term inhalation of silica dust may lead to issues in the lungs, including: silicosis, a progressive, irreversible lung disease. lung cancer. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.

AND, Graphene Oxide induces cell toxicity through plasma membrane damage, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and DNA damage.

It appears that Scotland, specifically the University of Edinburgh, may be at the heart of this research. After all, ATTP , the main organization of these Geoengineering Satanists is located in Scotland. Furthermore there are several scientists there also pursuing similar research:

“In Britain, projects have analyzed whether cloud seeding could help to lower the temperatures of the sea surface, which could make hurricanes less powerful by starving them of energy.

“Perhaps more outlandish is the suggestion that cloud seeding could limit global warming.

“Among those interested in producing clouds that could reflect sunlight is Stephen Salter, emeritus professor of engineering design at the University of Edinburgh.” 21

According to this Chinese climate bitch, they can calculate exactly where and how much Graphene Oxide poison they release, right down to the last drop. My guess is farm country and cities first. They can calculate rainwater and condensation and concentrations of poisonous Graphene Oxide gas.

I strongly believe cities are being hit. That may be why animals are leaving their inner city habitats and going into residential areas. The food supply chain is being disrupted by this rainfall.

Breath in those lovely nanosphere Graphene vapour crystals designed by Zou to create those Clathrin cages around your neurons. 22

If you look in this study inhaling Graphene surely is not good for you short term or long term and the cumulative effects of other pollutants with it in the atmosphere and environment nevermind the Clathrin GQD power system so chucking nanoparticulate crystals and GOD know what else in the atmosphere repeatedly and long term just adds to the repetitive continued energy supply to the power the Clathrin GQD neural interface.

For our protocols on deactivating the nano technology, see; “Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface”, and remember, NO FEAR.

  1. More gloomy news from Biden! White House says it’s open to plan that would BLOCK sunlight from hitting surface of the Earth in bid to limit global warming:  Daily Mail, July 1, 2023 ↩︎
  2. 3d reduced graphene oxide/sio 2 composite for ice nucleation:  January 14, 2020 ↩︎
  3. Phonon transport in aluminum and silicon film pair: laser short-pulse irradiation at aluminum film surface:  Canadian Science Publishing, May 29, 2014 ↩︎
  4. PHONONS Key To Harvesting Consciousness:  July 9, 2023 ↩︎
  5. Britain’s Prince Charles gives statement at COP26 climate summit in Glasgow:  PBS News Hour, November 1, 2021 ↩︎
  6. House of Khalifa:  Wikipedia ↩︎
  7. The world’s richest royal families of 2022 revealed – net worths, ranked: as Queen Elizabeth celebrates her Platinum Jubilee, the UAE mourns Sheikh Khalifa and Qatar’s rulers ready for the Fifa World Cup:  South China Morning Post,  June 3, 2022 ↩︎
  8. Dr. Linda Zou:  Khalifa University ↩︎
  9. International Strategic Technology Alliance:  ista.com/about ↩︎
  10. International Strategic Technology Alliance 15th Annual General Meeting Participants List:  1995 ↩︎
  11. ATTP Structure and Governance:   aatp.global ↩︎
  12. Khalifa University Team Tackles Water Shortages with Graphene Oxide-assisted membranes for Desalination:  The Graphene Council,  November 27, 2020 ↩︎
  13. Stanford University publishes the World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking and Clarivate Analytics publishes the Highly Cited Researchers list:  November 17, 2021 ↩︎
  14. Bringing in the rain: Has the UAE’s cloud-seeding program gone too far?:  Wired, January 11, 2023 ↩︎
  15. Full Professor, Department of Civil Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering:  Khalifa University ↩︎
  16. Scientists advance cloud-seeding capabilities with nanotechnology:  MIT Technology Review,  March 28, 2022 ↩︎
  17. The rainmaker: UAE-funded electric drone project designed to be the new cloud seeding:  The National News,  May 31, 2021 ↩︎
  18. Cloud seeding expert receives permanent residency in UAE:  The National News, November 15, 2019 ↩︎
  19. Meet Professor Linda Zou – Hero of Sustainability:  The National News, January 12, 2020 ↩︎
  20. Masdar Institute Files Patent for Innovative Cloud Seeding Material that Could Trigger More Rainfall from Clouds:  NewsWise,  February 22, 2017 ↩︎
  21. Cloudy schemes to make it rain:  The National News, June 16, 2017 ↩︎
  22. Water vapor harvesting nanostructures through bioinspired gradient-driven mechanism:  Science Direct, August 2019 ↩︎

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