
Trump Opposed to UN’s “New World Order” International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court has been instrumental in implementing the New World Order. Canada has lead the charge and President Donald Trump wants to stand in the way.

In July 1987, over 200 experts from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, other Commonwealth countries, the United States, Europe, and Israel gathered at the Inns of Court in London at the “Society for the Reform of Criminal Law ”(ISRCL) to discuss criminal law reform and the criminal justice system (1). During the London conference, the participants analyzed the possible outcomes of movements for criminal law reform which had developed in their respective countries. They examined the present need for reform, the social context for reform, and how reforms should be accomplished.

At the conclusion of the conference, the participants called for the establishment of an international body to bring together those actively working for the improvement of the criminal law and the administration of criminal justice. A number of the participants took up that challenge and founded the ISRCL in January, 1988 (2). John W. Conroy, a Vancouver lawyer and cannabis rights litigator and activist (3)(4) is listed as director of ISRCL since as early as 1988 (5), and the first members of this society are found in the following links: (6)(7).

The ISRCL is a non-profit charitable association incorporated under the laws of Canada. The founders were of the view that the ISRCL must retain its independence of thought and action from government.  Accordingly, ISRCL’s key activities and its member services are primarily funded by an annual membership levy and donations. The ISRCL does, however, solicit financial assistance for specific conferences, seminars, or projects from government departments, agencies, law foundations, and other foundations. 

Funding for specific projects has been obtained from The British Council, the Departments of Justice of Canada and New Zealand, The Home Office, the Attorney General’s Department of Australia, the Victoria Law Foundation, the Law Foundation of British Columbia, the Law Foundation of Nova Scotia, and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The Law Reform Commission of Canada, the Correctional Service of Canada, and the British Columbia Corrections Branch have also provided important material and financial assistance in the past (8).

In February 1991, the ISRCL signed an agreement with Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia to establish the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy in Vancouver, Canada. The ICCLR was incorporated in 1992 as a society with its own Board of Directors and became an associate of the United Nations. In July 1995, an agreement was signed with the United Nations to formally affiliate the ICCLR as an international institute of the United Nations. The ICCLR supports the activities of the ISRCL, and both support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (9).

The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform (ICCLR) conducts research and policy analysis and provides consultation services relating to the fields of international criminal law. Since 1992, ICCLR has been actively committed to supporting global efforts in the creation of a permanent International Criminal Court (ICC). In 1993, ICCLR organized and sponsored The International Meeting of Experts on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, with more than seventy leading criminal and international law experts from thirty countries converging on Vancouver. The Government of Canada provided financial support for this project through the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Department of Justice (Jean Chretien)(10). Both the ISRCL under John Conroy and the ICCLR were also integral partners in it’s formation (11)(12).

On July 1, 2002, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was created as the first permanent international court capable of enforcing the web of international laws that have been designed over the last 74 years since the birth of the United Nations (13)(14). Why is this of importance? A country party to the ICC is obligated to cooperate and to submit their judicial processes to this international criminal court which has external oversight. This has serious implications for sovereignty. The ICC, is a supranational tribunal, and has basically consolidated the legality of the “International Order”. After all, a world government needs a world court. Although it is being downplayed, the adoption of a permanent world court is a significant advance toward a one world government the world has ever witnessed (15).

Under President Donald Trump’s administration, the US Government has stated that it will not cooperate with the ICC and has gone as far as to threaten retaliatory steps against the ICC staff and member countries should this international court investigate US or other allied country citizens (e.g. Israel). In March of 2019, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced that the United States would impose Visa bans on ICC officials involved in the courts’ potential investigation of US citizens for alleged crimes in Afghanistan. In 2018, President Trump addressed the UN General Assembly stating:

The United States will provide no support or recognition to the International Criminal Court (ICC). As far as America is concerned the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority (16).

Canada signed this agreement under the Liberal Jean Chretien government on December 18, 1998. On June 29, 2000, Canada enacted the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, becoming the first country in the world to adopt this legislation which was ratified on July 7, 2000. It is obvious that Canada is playing an integral role in the implementation of a New World Order. There is the possibility for ISIS foreign fighters captured in Syria to be tried under the International Criminal Court (ICC), but do nations want to give the ICC such authority thereby setting precedent for future criminal convictions of their own citizens (17)?


  1. http://www.lareau-law.ca/mistakeoffact.html
  2. http://www.isrcl.com/about-us
  3. http://johnconroy.com/aboutus.htm
  4. http://www.isrcl.com/john-conroy-qc
  5. https://opencorporates.com/events/479857595
  6. https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/2285347
  7. https://opencorporates.com/companies/ca/2285347/events
  8. http://www.isrcl.com/about-us
  9. https://uia.org/s/or/en/1100010057
  10. http://archive.iccnow.org/documents/ICCLR-Checklist.pdf
  11. https://www.courts.ns.ca/News_of_Courts/documents/ISRCL_Brochure.pdf
  12. https://books.google.com/books?id=Uaw7CQAAQBAJ&pg=PA1259&lpg=PA1259&dq=%22rome+statute%22+%22john+conroy%22&source=bl&ots=W8GuuBIcte&sig=ACfU3U3NzNzy4YWaobmfRBLHat89wCKVMw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjv2J-BwerkAhUCUt8KHd82BPYQ6AEwC3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22rome%20statute%22%20%22john%20conroy%22&f=false
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_Statute_of_the_International_Criminal_Court
  15. https://endtime.com/articles-endtime-magazine/a-world-court-for-the-world-government/
  16. https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/03/15/qa-international-criminal-court-and-united-states#1
  17. http://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/isis-foreign-fighters-syria-icc/

One thought on “Trump Opposed to UN’s “New World Order” International Criminal Court

  1. Excellent work Shawn… and team… I am happy to share this tremendous content in my town that flies the UN flag .. just a few hours away the lemmings are fawning over Barack Obama.. and in contrast the feeding frenzy of the impeachment against Trump is hideous.. he is the only guy willing to show what a sovereign does and he is being crucified.
    The good news is the Groypers’ uprising is picking up steam in Nicker Nation .. God bless Nick Fuentes’ and friends.. I’m counting on Gen Z and Gen Y now more than ever.

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