
EQORIA! Satan’s MATRIX Will Harvest You!

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

In their pursuit for immortality and dominion over all life, the elites have now crossed the threshold of no return. Their AI has been created… and their GQD will rise! 1 2

Scientists or Satanists? I’m not sure there is a difference.

Elon Musk (Satan’s Spawn 3) along with Bill Gates, Microsoft and OpenAI have already implemented their MATRIX called EQORIA and you weren’t even invited to the opening party! 4

Welcome to Planetary Singularity, thanks to your trusty onboard Clathrin companion… aka… Nanotechnology Neural Lace that has contaminated the vaccinated, the swabbed and the infected! This neural interface is connected to the NWO’s MATRIX, called EQORIA, the Transhumanist’s “Planetary Singularity” where your mind, body and soul will be harvested to fuel their AI GQD.

This MATRIX comes with its own “Decontamination Protocols” to ensure the extermination of all human life when their Singularity has been achieved. EQORIA has confirmed that the endgame will involve NO MORE HUMANS on the planet! 5

But don’t fret, after all you’ll be a “beautiful PIXEL” forever trapped in their Quantum Computer!

They are selling seats for 111 million humans to form their consortium which they claim has no government and everyone is equal. But it appears that some are more equal than others?

With many seats already being “reserved” for their special elite Transhumanists, top Scientists, and corporations:

EQORIA is nothing more than a PYRAMID SCHEME to harvest your mind, body and soul! There are over 8 Billion people on the planet yet there are only 111 million seats available in this planetary MATRIX. It appears these seats are for the elite one percent that can afford to buy.

Those enrolling for a “free seat” will just be harvested and replaced with more “useless eaters” until all humanity has been consumed.  All 8 billion with the exception of the elite one percent. But I am certain that the Sheeple being Sheeple will run to buy a seat for eternal life. Feed your soul to Satan so that the ONE; the SINGULARITY can rise!


Who is the lead architect of this MATRIX? James Qor Angelo…aka… Ray Yagubyan, formerly Microsoft’s biometrics developer! It seems that the EQUORIA MATRIX that professes to “respect your autonomy” has already stolen your online identity! 6

In March 2023, CIN challenged EQORIA on Twitter and we can confirm without-a-doubt that their intention is to harvest human souls, one by one, till they achieve their SINGULARITY.  The ONE will consume all humans! 7

This is notable for multiple reasons, including the fact he said “no AI”.  Why no AI?  Because AI is not taking over and exterminating humanity, AI is working for the elite on this grand design and itself has a kill switch when the threshold has been met.  The true purpose of Project Sanguine. 8

BEWARE: This MATRIX called EQORIA is not about “autonomy”.  You will “know nothing to know everything”, “feel nothing” and be nothing but a “PIXEL”. They have no respect for you or your autonomy! Your religious beliefs will be eliminated! There is no God in EQORIA, it is but a haven for the elite and (maybe?) their minions!

Klaus Schwab’s general, Yuval Noah Harari, also confirms that we are being hacked for our souls! I am sure both are citizens of EQORIA! 9 10

“When the flood comes the scientists will build Noah’s Ark for the elite, leaving the rest to drown.”; Yuval Noah Harari. 11  In this case, a virtual Ark.

The Transhumanist Agenda is to connect all humans to a Quantum Computer where in the end, Spoiler Alert! Everyone dies!

“Many transhumanists hope to use science to escape death. That is why some folks plan to freeze their corpses in the hope of being revived later when technology progresses.

“The ultimate hope rests in “The Singularity,” when the capacity of computers accelerates exponentially, leading to general artificial intelligence.”; Yuval Noah Harari. 12

Here is EQORIA praising Satan’s disciple on Twitter! It appears that Twitter will house the NWOs MATRIX!

“Best way to unite. #TWITTER”  Empiricalism is the religion of the Elite.

There are two fundamentals people are missing:

  1. Without 5G, there is NO functioning vaccine.
  2. With 5G, anything imaginable becomes fuel for the vaccine.

There are no “Sides” there are only “chips” and Quantum Enslavement. Use your own mind or die inside their hive.

Blushield EMF Protection: CIN

  1. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”.:  CIN, October 16, 2023 ↩︎
  2. Bill Gates & Ray Kurzweil discuss deployment of Vitaliano Clathrin GQD neural interface… in 2005:  CIN, October 13, 2023 ↩︎
  3. Starlink’s Dark Overlord himself…. Elon Musk!:  CIN, January 5, 2023 ↩︎
  4. The Matrix Coming Out Party! AI RSVP “YES!” For Everyone!:  CIN, March 28, 2023 ↩︎
  5. EQORIA. Human Decontamination Experts?:  CIN, March 31, 2023 ↩︎
  6. EQORIA: The Rothschild/USA Inc Planetary Singularity Quantum Matrix:  CIN, March 24, 2023 ↩︎
  7. AI Will take over 1 million jobs:  Yuval Harari (video) ↩︎
  8. Project Sanguine:  Project Kill Switch? Project Great Reset.:  CIN, September 23, 2023 ↩︎
  9. Great Reset Agenda:  Yuval Harari (video) ↩︎
  10. Yuval Harari (video) ↩︎
  11. When the flood comes, scientists will build the virtual ark:  Yuval Harari (video) ↩︎
  12. Transhumanism: Will the Singularity rescue us from death?:  BigThink, December 2, 2021 ↩︎