
The EQORIA Matrix Coming Out Party!

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM

On March 21, 2023 Bill Gates published another installment of Bill Gates Notes with his piece “The Age of AI has begun”. 1 The internet lit up with speculation from what he could mean from this article. The problem is, it has not begun, and by all accounts it is already here.

While people surf the “Net of Misinformation” their brains are being hacked by a biological, self aware, neural interface and locked into the Quantum Cloud! 2

This is technology Bill Gates and Ray Kurzweil are very excited about and they have been eager about deploying GQD’s since 2005 at the latest. 3

How do we know this? The launch party just happened and everyone including the NWO minions and shills missed it! The Matrix is here and it’s interface time for everyone!

EQORIA Cloud is the Microsoft MATRIX that connects to the Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dot (GQD) interface. Welcome to your new “Planetary Singularity” that no one voted for! 4

Franco and Gordana Vitaliano were tasked with the impossible, hacking the minds of every man, woman and child alive. Through their company ExQor Technologies with NIH funding and partnerships with DARPA, MITRE, and Obama Brain Initiative, their technology was implemented during the COVID-19 Warp Speed program. 5

This multilateral project involved the cooperation of all world governments and achieved the impossible; the mapping of the human brain! The “useless eaters” paid for it all! 6

This neural interface technology is centralized within ExQor, and the pipeline that feeds all the stakeholders is done through Vitaliano’s MetaQor. One pipeline to feed all initiatives, one mRNA to rule them all. 7

It is interesting to note, the pipeline uses HIV research as the guise to roll out the tech. Maybe why we were led to believe HIV was the “spike protein”in the jab. HIV is not this infamous “spike protein”. It is, in fact, the Clathrin GQD viral like particle.

The new “West vs China” NWO narratives have been carefully crafted. But in 2010, China was so impressed with Vitaliano’s ExQor Technology to harvest human energy, they praised him at the time:

“Clathrin, a protein found in every cell of the human body, could become a self-assembler of future information processing systems that are smaller, faster and cheaper than today’s computer circuitry, according to a company investigating the technology.

“Boston-based ExQor Technologies said it has demonstrated that the material can be formed into nano-sized biolasers suitable for transmitting information.” 8

The developer who was assigned the task of designing this MATRIX, James Angelo, just recently came out a week ago praising Microsoft’s OpenAI. He even went as far as outlining their plan for us! 9  More efficient and less costly “human slavery”.

Who is OpenAI? Elon Musk and Bill Gates are all part of OpenAI. Musk and Gates are also part of EQORIA.

OpenAI was founded in San Francisco 2015 by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and others, who collectively pledged US$1 billion. In 2019, OpenAI received a US$1 billion investment from Microsoft. OpenAI is headquartered in San Francisco and shares the same building space with Neuralink, another company co-founded by Musk working on implanting “chips” into humans. 10

Plot Twist: You’re already chipped! The vaccines have given them a pathway to your neurons! 11 Vaccinated, swabbed or infected…everyone now has the Clathrin Nanotechnology! Everyone!

Who will run the MATRIX cloud they call EQORIA? Microsoft has exclusive access to the OpenAI database. Microsoft Azure is running EQORIA. 12

Elon Musk is directly connected to EQORIA through his sponsorship of XPRIZE, Carbon Removal Initiative. 13

Here it is: EQORIA and OpenAI. They are one and the same! 14

You will not only be forced into their MATRIX but you will become a pixel in this grand design. Embrace your unique pixel. 15

I don’t want to be a pixel.  16 17

This is all too much. 18

No humans. 19

Not only does Qor James not respect my unique perfection, he does not respect my tweets! LMAO

Was it something I said? Tell me, what does it signify to be blocked by ONE? I thought I was a unique and beautiful pixel? If they can block me outside of the matrix, can they not block me inside the matrix?

It is also worth noting, James went into Wayback and deleted everything after we published our new article about EQORIA. Totally wiped it out.

How many people do you know who can delete Wayback?

There are two fundamentals people are missing:

  1. Without 5G, there is NO functioning vaccine.
  2. With 5G, anything imaginable becomes fuel for the vaccine.

There are no “Sides” there are only “chips” and Quantum Enslavement. Use your own mind or die inside their hive.

Blushield EMF Protection: CIN 

  1. The Age of AI has begun:  Gates Notes, March 21, 2023 ↩︎
  2. mRNA + 5G + Graphene Oxide = Clathrin Graphene Quantum Dots, a “viral like particle”; the neural interface or “chip”:  CIN, October 16, 2023 ↩︎
  3. Bill Gates & Ray Kurzweil discuss deployment of Vitaliano Clathrin GQD neural interface… in 2005:  CIN, October 13, 2023 ↩︎
  4. EQORIA: The Rothschild/USA Inc Planetary Singularity Quantum Matrix:  CIN, March 24, 2023 ↩︎
  5. Vitaliano Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Technology Consolidated Globally Under Obama Brain Initiative:  CIN, October 16, 2023 ↩︎
  6. Franco & Gordana Vitaliano: The NWO’s Clathrin Neural Brain Snatchers:  CIN, February 24, 2023 ↩︎
  7. MetaQor tm Shortening The Drug Discovery Pipeline:  CIN, February 24, 2023 ↩︎
  8. Will clathrin lead a revolution in computing technology?:  EET China, June 1, 2010 ↩︎
  9. The Greatest Technology EVer Developed:  EQORIA (video) ↩︎
  10. Elon Musk & Twitter’s Secret Partnership with China!:  CIN, April 22, 2022 ↩︎
  11. mRNA Graphene Quantum Dots: Injection to Neuron:  CIN, September 27, 2023 ↩︎
  12. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1639141280856035329 ↩︎
  13. EQORIA Joins XPrize Carbon Removal Initiative ↩︎
  14. https://twitter.com/Eqoria/status/1639701889217593349 ↩︎
  15. https://twitter.com/Eqoria/status/1640065236706242561 ↩︎
  16. https://twitter.com/BlushieldArmor/status/1640476232524374016 ↩︎
  17. https://twitter.com/Eqoria/status/1640738259876696065 ↩︎
  18. https://twitter.com/ArtHarmonic/status/1640503481613074432 ↩︎
  19. https://twitter.com/Eqoria/status/1640737667187916800 ↩︎