
The Criminal Cartel of the Canada Infrastructure Bank Board

In this follow up to “BlackRock, SNC & The Infrastructure Bank: Meet the Global Construction Cartel” we continue with The Canada Infrastructure Bank Board and the who’s who of global communist policy makers. The same players transfer from boards of foundations to boards of corporations to ministers of government, not because they are good at what they do, but because they follow the rules of the multilateral (HYBRID) universe of international treaties. It is big business to sell out the tax payers and their sovereignty to the one world government.

Other Members of the Canada Infrastructure Board include (1):

  • James Cherry: James Cherry served on the Board of Governors and Board of Directors for the United Way Canada (2). Key executives from the president’s office of SNC-Lavalin were also involved with the United Way: Gilles Laramee was on the board (3), Jacques Lamarre was on the council of Governors (4), and Pierre Duhaime was on fundraising committee(4). James Cherry is also on the board for the Foundation of Greater Montreal (FGM)(7). The Foundation of Greater Montreal is a member of the Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), an organization that brings together 191 foundations that operate across Canada and the managed assets of which total over $5.8 billion (8). The FGM had a direct partnership with United Way and SNC-Lavalin (9). Several SNC-Lavalin executives have served on the FGM Board including: Michael Novak (10) and Jacques Bougie (current board member of SNC-Lavalin and mentor to the Trudeau Foundation)(11)(12)(13)(26) and a director of McCain Foods Ltd. (13). Canada’s Finance Minister Bill Morneau is married to McCain Foods heiress Nancy McCain (14). Morneau was instrumental in setting up the Infrastructure Bank.

Tim Brodhead was instrumental in planning the initial workings of the Infrastructure Bank along with Tides Canada Foundation (5). He has served on several boards with James Cherry: Board of Directors for the United Way (4), Board of Directors for FGM (7), and Board of Governors for Concordia University (21). Tim Brodhead is currently the President of the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation and was also interim president of the Trudeau Foundation from 2013-2014 (6). It goes without saying that if Tides Foundation is involved so then is philanthropist George Soros (22)(23), who seems to have his hands in everyone’s cookie jar including our Canadian Infrastructure Bank.

  • Ms. Poonam Puri was a Trudeau Foundation post-doctoral fellow and award recipient (15). She is also a member of the International association of law schools (IALS) (16)(17). The International Association of Law Schools is a private, non-political, non-profit, collaborative, learned society dedicated to serving the worldwide legal education community. It consists of more than 170 law schools and departments from over 55 countries representing more than 7,500 law faculty members (18). It’s primary mission includes: To foster mutual understanding and respect for the worlds varied and changing legal systems and culture, to prepare lawyers for transnational global practice, to work with entities to develop guidelines and adapt legal education to the needs of changing society regarding international and transnational law (19). Many law schools participating in IALS programs receive funding from the Open Society Foundation (29). It has been proposed that IALS build a database of funding organizations that promote the Rule of Law such as intergovernmental organizations (the United Nations system, the European Union and the Council of Europe) to specific NGOs and foundations (such as the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundation etc.) that could act to open up funding venues for its member(30).

Ms. Poonam Puri led a research project which investigated the reconfiguration of transnational governance: (20)

A profound transformation in global regulation has resulted in a shift from a reliance on nation-state-driven treaty and law-making to a highly decentralized set of processes of norm-creation, that involve and are fueled by both public and private, governmental and non-governmental actors, operating in an emerging ‘post-national’ and ‘transnational’ space.”

This directed research project is situated in this uniquely interdisciplinary and fast-developing field at the intersection of law, governance, finance and globalization…. the project, will focus on the Equator Principles (“EPs”)… to illuminate the reconfiguration of transnational governance.”

The EPs constitute a voluntary common framework established in 2003, to which 67 global financial institutions have agreed for evaluating and managing social and environmental risk in privately-financed development projects.”

The EP’s ambitious regulatory framework promises to incorporate corporate social responsibility, environmental responsibility, and human rights into the very core of the decision making process within the participating global banks, in some cases extending to all of a participating banks.”

Canadians must have missed this memo? Are the banks reconfiguring from a “transnational state” into an “international state” of governance”? For the many Canadians that still believe we are a “sovereign state”, just how exactly will these “Equator Principals” impact the regulatory framework of Canada’s Infrastructure Bank? After all Canadian pension funds are being used and it the Canadian taxpayers (not the international community) that will be on the hook for incurred losses?

  • Janice Fukakusa was Senior VP and chief internal auditor for RBC and chairman of RBC Ventures Fund (31) and now is on the Board of Directors for Canada Infrastructure Bank. Former SNC-Lavalin executives are also directors with Royal Bank Directors (24) and they include: Guy St. Pierre who was former CEO of SNC-Lavalin and mentor to the Trudeau Foundation (25), Jacques Bougie who is currently on the board of directors for SNC-Lavalin and McCain Foods and mentor on the Trudeau Foundation (24)(26)(27). In addition the president of McCain Foods, G. Wallace F. McCain is also director and on the audit committee for RBC (32).
  • Jane Bird was a senior Engineer from SNC-Lavalin and now sits on the Board of Directors of Canada Infrastructure Bank (28).
  • Kimberly Baird is a renowned First Nations Chief in BC and founder of Kim Baird Strategic Consulting (33). She helped to negotiate the Tsawwassen First Nations Treaty in BC, a modern urban land development treaty that would act to extinguish aboriginal title and rights to First Nations land whereby all land had to be registered and taxed (34). Chief Baird then helped to spearhead a major retail and commercial development project for two large shopping malls on First Nations land which was tied to a “social economy” community program (35)(36). She is described as a “wealthy retail land baron” by her Tsawwassen First Nations community(33), who fear that poverty and unemployment may drive them off their land. The partners in this land development project were Ivanhoe Cambridge and Property Development Group. Ivanhoe Cambridge is a subsidiary of Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (CDPQ), the Quebec pension plan (37). Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec is the major stock holder of SNC-Lavalin (38).
  • Dave Bronconnier was Mayor of Calgary when SNC-Lavalin was awarded the 1 Billion dollar Calgary LRT contract from the city(39). His biography states that he is Director of Interloq Capital Inc. (1), but a thorough internet search for that company could not be found.
  • Michele Colpron is Vice President of Finance & Investments Administration for CDP Capital which operates as a subsidiary of Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (CDPQ) and one of their principal construction partners is SNC-Lavalin (40). CDPQ is also the principal shareholder of SNC-Lavalin (38).
  • Christopher Hickman was the Chairman and CEO of Marco Group, a large construction company (41) that partnered on contracts with SNC-Lavalin (42). He also served on the board of Nalco Energy that also gave contracts to SNC-Lavalin(43).
  • Stephen Smith was on the board of directors for the CD Howe Institute. SNC-Lavalin is a member of CD Howe Institute (44). Stephen Smith was also on the board METROLINX/Go transit. Metrolix awarded contracts to SNC-Lavalin for Crosslinx Transit Solutions (45).
  • Patricia Youzwa was CEO of SaskPower that gave SNC-Lavalin millions in contracts (46). Current reports show that SaskPower overpaid 111 million to SNC-Lavalin (47).

The extent to which the foreign criminal syndicate call the shots leave little ability for our elected ministers of parliament to do anything about it. That is, if they are not in on the con to begin with. These people know the agendas, they agree with the agendas, and further the agendas of UN Global Compacts of every sort. SNC is the construction cartel in Canada (48). The amalgamation of the Canada Infrastructure Bank with BlackRock is a non-partisan Red Alert moment for all Canadian Patriots!


  1. https://cib-bic.ca/en/board-of-directors/
  2. http://www.unitedway.ca/about-us/our-team/james-c-cherry/
  3. http://www.altalink.ca/files/pdf/reports/2008-Financial-Report.pdf
  4. http://www.centraide-mtl.org/documents/26141/upload/documents/centraide-mtl_rapport_annuel_2010_ang_2.pdf
  5. https://shawnpaulmelville.com/2019/03/03/soros-trudeau-snc-the-canada-investment-bank/
  6. http://www.fondationtrudeau.ca/en/community/tim-brodhead
  7. https://www.fgmtl.org/en/pdf/AR2013.pdf
  8. https://fgmtl.org/en/fcc.php
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20080609024250/http:/www.fgmtl.org/en/partners.php
  10. https://www.fgmtl.org/en/nouvelle.php?n=74
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20080610092431/http:/www.fgmtl.org/en/board_fgm.php
  12. http://www.snclavalin.com/en/about-us/board-directors/
  13. http://www.fondationtrudeau.ca/en/community/jacques-bougie
  14. https://virtualglobetrotting.com/map/bill-morneau-and-nancy-mccains-house-in-bennington-heights/view/google/
  15. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/fr/activites/evenements/poonam-puri-et-isabella-bakker-au-tedxvaughanwomen-2016&prev=search
  16. https://docplayer.net/8398485-The-role-of-law-schools-and-human-rights.html
  17. http://www.ialsnet.org/
  18. http://ials.symlaw.ac.in/pdf/Pres-release.pdf
  19. https://web.archive.org/web/20171229103229/http://www.ialsnet.org/charter-bylaws/
  20. https://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=syllabi
  21. https://www.concordia.ca/content/dam/concordia/offices/archives/docs/bog-minutes/2011-12-08.pdf
  22. https://sorosfiles.com/soros/2011/10/the-tides-foundation.html
  23. https://canadafreepress.com/article/soros-tides-canada-under-investigation
  24. http://www.rbc.com/investorrelations/pdf/3rbe10.pdf
  25. http://archives.bulletinsoiq.qc.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=446%3Aguy-st-pierre-nouveau-mentor-de-la-fondation-trudeau&catid=304%3Ale-genie-saffiche&Itemid=280&lang=fr
  26. http://www.snclavalin.com/en/about-us/board-directors/jacques-bougie.aspx
  27. http://www.trudeaufoundation.ca/en/community/jacques-bougie
  28. https://probusvancouver.com/probus-meeting-jane-bird-building-the-canada-line/
  29. http://iqac.jgu.edu.in/document/naac_self-study_report_op_jindal_global_university_june_2015.pdf
  30. http://www.ialsnet.org/meetings/role/papers/vandeKasteelenMichiel%28TheNetherlands%29.pdf
  31. https://news.ontario.ca/mof/en/2014/01/economic-advisory-panel-members.html
  32. http://www.rbc.com/investorrelations/pdf/3rbe10.pdf
  33. https://web.archive.org/web/20170709205858/http://kimbaird.ca/611/
  34. http://billtieleman.blogspot.com/2007/07/tsawwassen-first-nations-treaty.html
  35. https://www.ivanhoecambridge.com/en/news-and-media/news/2014/01/tsawwassen-groundbreaking
  36. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/massive-mall-planned-for-tsawwassen-treaty-lands-1.1202844
  37. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivanho%C3%A9_Cambridge
  38. https://montrealgazette.com/business/snc-lavalin-has-made-remarkable-progress-caisse-ceo-says
  39. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/city-awards-west-lrt-contract-1.806639
  40. https://www.cdpq.com/sites/default/files/medias/pdf/en/ra/ra2001_survol_activites_en.pdf
  41. https://www.northernpen.ca/business/three-more-nl-business-leaders-headed-to-ja-hall-of-fame-266488/
  42. http://stjohnsairport.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/News-Release-Grand-Opening-of-Expanded-Terminal-Building_-Departures.pdf
  43. https://www.thetelegram.com/news/myth-nalcor-energy-did-all-engineering-and-procurement-work-252958/
  44. https://www.cdhowe.org/members/S?type=1
  45. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/04/22/snc-led-group-wins-crossl_n_7120110.html
  46. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/snc-lavalin-carbon-capture-project-saskpower-1.3291554
  47. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/snc-lavalin-carbon-capture-project-saskpower-1.3291554
  48. https://www.civilianintelligencenetwork.ca/2019/03/07/blackrock-snc-canada-infrastructure-bank-meet-the-global-construction-cartel/

6 thoughts on “The Criminal Cartel of the Canada Infrastructure Bank Board

  1. All a part of TPTB UN Agenda 21/UN Sustainable Development of globalist cabal insanity/luciferian plot.
    Thank you for you research. Humanity needs to be educated

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