
Provinces Ignoring Parental Right Involving COVID19 Vaccine

Provinces are convinced children can give informed consent, just one thing, the provinces are the only ones informing.


On May 17, 2021. Nova Scotia “top doctor” Robert Strang shocked critically minded parents when he stated the government did not require parental consent for administering the experimental COVID vaccine.

Nova Scotia “Top Doctor” Decrees Parents No Longer Have Parental Rights Concerning Child’s Vaccinations.

Other Canadian provinces began making similar shocking claims. Manitoba:

The coercion through propaganda has been extreme in Manitoba.

Premier of Manitoba has a near melt down compelling people to get vaccinated *Not to state the obvious, but since everyone who wants one can get one and they “work”, why are they pushing the rest who have made the choice to take the risk not getting it, to get it? May 20, 2021

Saskatchewan put out it’s own release.

Teenagers don’t necessarily need to have the consent of their parent or guardian if they want to get any vaccination, including the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the Ministry of Health, those aged 13 and older can legally consent to, refuse or revoke immunizations on their own behalf if they demonstrate the capability to understand the information regarding the vaccine.

British Columbia has an accelerate version called “Mature Minor Consent”. Followed is a PowerPoint presentation by the Medical Health Officer of Fraser Health advocating for it.


British Columbia Centre for Disease Control is full of special circumstances for Mature Minor Consent.


Once a minor has “given consent”, the parent has no right to the minors records, unless the minor gives consent.

On a curious note, that the statutes covering this bizarreness, is called the “Infant Act”, which has actually been around quite a few years.


Hilariously, chair of National Advisory Committee on Immunizations Dr. Caroline Quach has caused a lot of confusion when she said. “If for instance my sister got the AZ vaccine and died of a thrombosis when I know it could have been prevented and that she is not in a high risk area, I’m not sure I could live with it”


That’s right, the chair of the committee that certifies vaccines use, seems awfully insistent on her informed consent.

That being said, pharma whore BC premier Bonnie Henry insists, “Take the vaccine that is offered to you. They are safe, they are effective, they work, it will protect you, it will protect your family.”

Here’s one last thing. The WHO considers your child’s attendance in school as “iimplied consent”.


That’s enough of that, now be vigilant parents!

